Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Practice in Turning Adjectives Into Adverbs

Practice in Turning Adjectives Into Adverbs Many adverbs are formed by adding -ly to an adjective. The adverb softly, for instance, comes from the adjective soft. (Note, however, that not all adverbs end in -ly. Very, quite, always, almost, and often are some of the common adverbs that are not formed from adjectives.) Instructions In each set below, complete the second sentence with an adverbial form of the italicized adjective in the first sentence. Example: Original:  Gus is usually a careful driver.Adverbial form: He always drives carefully when children are in the car. When youre done, compare your answers with those below. Practice Exercises We live on a quiet suburban street. Even the dogs bark _____.This is a dangerous road. Were driving _____ close to the shoulder.My friend Alice is a polite young woman. She asked _____ if she could borrow my boyfriend.The clown made a deep impression on my daughter. His sad smile touched her _____.I apologize for my foolish behavior. Yesterday I acted _____ in class.Ferdinands apology sounded sincere. He said he was _____ sorry for driving over your motorcycle with his tractor.I ordered a manual transmission. Are the windows operated _____?Shyla made a generous contribution to the Salvation Army. She gives _____ every year.This morning Gus had an accidental encounter with an ice cream van. He _____ backed his pick-up truck into the van.Marvin is a graceful infielder. He moves _____.This is an easy assignment. I expect to pass _____.Merdine is a brave woman. She _____ challenged the principal and the school board.There was a rapid change in the weather. The temperature dropped _____.I m troubled by my brothers strange behavior. Yesterday I heard him talking _____ to our cat. My father is a cautious man. When everyone else is upset, he speaks softly and acts _____. Exercise Answers   We live on a  quiet  suburban street. Even the dogs bark  quietly.This is a  dangerous  road. Were driving  dangerously  close to the shoulder.My friend Alice is a  polite  young woman. She asked  politely  if she could borrow my boyfriend.The clown made a  deep  impression on my daughter. His sad smile touched her  deeply.I apologize for my  foolish  behavior. Yesterday I acted  foolishly  in class.Ferdinands apology sounded  sincere. He said he was  sincerely  sorry for driving over your motorcycle with his tractor.I ordered a  manual  transmission. Are the windows operated  manually?Shyla made a  generous  contribution to the Salvation Army. She gives  generously  every year.This morning Gus had an  accidental  encounter with an ice cream van. He  accidentally  backed his pick-up truck into the van.Marvin is a  graceful  infielder. He moves  gracefully  when making a double play.This is an  easy  assignmen t. I expect to pass  easily.Merdine  is a  brave  woman. She  bravely  challenged the principal and the school board.There was a  rapid  change in the weather. The temperature dropped  rapidly. Im troubled by my brothers  strange  behavior. Yesterday I heard him talking  strangely  to our cat.My father is a  cautious  man. When everyone else is upset, he speaks softly and acts  cautiously.

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