Saturday, October 19, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 61

Discussion - Essay Example Trying to match the racial and ethnic structure of the population may not be the best move as it becomes difficult for people to choose where they need to be assigned (Fried and Fottler 37). Furthermore, the medical schools present need to provide the exact number of anticipated nurses targeted to graduate. This is so as to try and fill the number of spots that retired nurses, physicians, and professionals leave after serving in the health field. This can be done through the training-output estimation program, which may bring focus to the projected number of future nurses in healthcare organizations. Predicting the estimated population may present organizations with a foreseeable number of nurses that may be needed in different areas. Ensuring that organizations are aware of these numbers may provide them with a rough estimate of how many nurses, physicians, and professionals may be needed to cater to the rising population (Fried and Fottler 32). These are some of the ways in which the shortages that are occurring nation-wide can be handled and assist in providing prospective nurses the opportunity to work and prove their worth in the health

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