Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Course Reflection Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

Course Reflection - Coursework Example Moreover, they facilitate the learning and communication about ethics and ethical issues. Nurses also create structures that encourage and espouse an ethical environment (Home & Care, 2010). As a nurse, I will foster the ethical issues of nursing by creating techniques that monitor and offer immediate feedback on the ethical performance of nurses and the nursing organization as a whole. Nurses focus on the betterment of the organizations relationship to its immediate environment. In addition, they focus on organizations interpretation of human nature, truth, reality, and relationships as the prominent ethical dimensions that define the organizational culture (Falk & Chong, 2008). I will ensure that others foster trust within the organization as this is the sole lubricant for all smooth and transparent operations and values in the organizations. The shift in thinking took place after considering the future issues in nursing. The future issues that face the nursing fraternity have a direct bearing to the ethical code of conduct of the nursing profession. Hence, it is paramount to contemplate on the ethical issues and deliberate on how the nurse leaders can put in place mechanisms that will guarantee effective, ethical issues in the nursing fraternity. For instance, the nurses are required financial motivation to offer proper services, an issue that when not addressed will culminate into a worse unethical

Monday, October 28, 2019

Federal programs Essay Example for Free

Federal programs Essay Throughout the twentieth century, Congress has established a great number of federal programs administered by agencies within the Executive Branch. Through this process of a wide-ranging allocation of authority to the executive Branch, Congress has assisted in creating a massive Federal Bureaucracy. The relationship of Congress to the Executive Branch today must therefore be seen in terms of its relation to this Bureaucracy, as well as its relation to the Presidency. In order to gain some control over the operations of the various agencies which had been established within the Executive Branch, in 1946 congress began to develop a sequence of configurations and procedures designed to manage the Administration. This process was also known as congressional oversight. There are several methods through which congressional misunderstanding operations take place: the committee process, congressional administrative offices, casework, as well as a number of administrative practices. Where the congressional oversight functions take place, there are three types of committees: authorizations committees, appropriations committees, and governmental operations committees. The first type of committee is the functional committee which initially establishes or authorizes the program or agency. In the case of a military program, this would be the Armed Services Committees in both chambers. ‘In the case of an urban program, this would be the Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs Committee in the House and the Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs Committee in the Senate. Similarly, each program area within the Federal Bureaucracy is related to at least one specific substantive standing committee in each chamber of Congress. ’ (Issa, 2011) In attempting to follow the oversight activities through these authorization committees, a number of complications are often encountered. One of these is the result from the fact that a particular governmental agency may fall within the authority of several different practical committees or subcommittees. As a result, the agency may play ‘one committee or subcommittee against the other in order to achieve those results in Congress which tend to benefit the agency the most. (Office of The Law Revision Counsel, 2012) Another problem is that a committee which establishes a program is often too involved with the outcome of its own efforts to be willing to investigate adequately the operations of the program it has initiated. One of the most substantial places where an amount of oversight activity takes place is in the appropriations process. The budget for an agency must be approved anew each year. ’ One might assume that this yearly appropriations process would lead to a careful annual inspection of the budgets of all the various governmental agencies. (Issa, 2011) This is not the case. The federal budget is so great and compound that it is impossible to consider carefully the budget of each agency and program on a year-to-year basis. What happens instead is that budgets are often routinely approved from year to year with general reviews only occurring sporadically. In addition, many agencies develop quite close relationships with the subcommittees of the Appropriations Committees which spe cifically deal with their agency. These agencies are therefore often able to abstract some special favors from these particular appropriations subcommittees. The Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs and the House Committee on Governmental Reform were initially established to manage congressional concern over governmental processes. Thus, many see these committees as an ideal place for maintaining congressional observation over the activities of the vast Bureaucracy located within the Executive Branch. However, because of jurisdictional differences and because of the hesitancy of most representatives and senators to provide for satisfactory independent oversight activities, the efforts of these governmental operations committees have been quite restricted. The three administrative offices within Congress are used to some extent in the congressional oversight process. The General Accounting Office, The GAO has the accountability, not simply for performing accounting audits, but also for judging how various programs are being managed. In other words, the GAO often performs the task of program assessment. The GAO plays a significant role in congressional oversight. The Congressional Research Service, while preparing reports and studies to assist members of Congress, the CRS sometimes includes some information on the activities and routines of various governmental agencies. This is another important source of oversight information for members of Congress. The Congressional Budget Office gathers information on the budgets of the various governmental agencies and to report on new budgetary requirements and propositions that are made through the Executive Branchs Office of Management and Budget. Budgetary information is an extremely important source of data upon which the various congressional committees can judge the effectiveness of specific governmental programs. Granting, the information gathered by the CBO may seem to permit for substantial congressional oversight, the fact is that it is the agencies that often use this informational link for their own purposes in pursuing their requests for additional funding directly to the congressional committee, instead of directing all their communications through the OMB. This short circuits the use of the OMB as one of the Presidents management tools. Efficiency, from an overall standpoint, we can see that these three congressional offices. The General Accounting Office, the Congressional Research Services, and the Congressional Budget Office combined with the staffs of individual congresspersons and senators and the staffs of congressional committees are able to supply our national legislators with vast amounts of information and evaluations of governmental activities. ‘In fact, the United States Congress has available to it one of the most extensive research staffs of any national legislature in the world. ’ (Issa, 2011) Nevertheless, the availability of information and study alone is not sufficient for effective congressional oversight. The desire to follow through on this available information is another necessary ingredient and it is this ingredient which is often lacking. Many times congressional oversight is limited by the worries of various congressional committees and subcommittees over their particular jurisdictions and in a substantial number of instances, the burdens of organized special interests also interfere with the ability or wishes of members of Congress to significantly oversee governmental operations. Aside from these problems, there are also the boundaries of time. Congresspersons are loaded with extremely dense schedules. They have a large number of often conflicting responsibilities to perform. Representatives and senators must therefore place priorities on the use of their time. Often oversight activities lose in this shamble of priorities to legislative activities, to the creation of new programs to deal with current problems, and to casework concerns. Representatives and senators, themselves, do not usually become directly involved in much casework or fundamental services. It is their staff that deals with these matters. However, representatives and senators are usually informed by their staffs of many of these problems, and it is through these specific interactions that these legislators often get the most intense impression as to the effectiveness of many governmental programs. Casework thus provides an important source of direct, specific information which proves very useful in congressional oversight activities. Congress has also passed some major reforms and reconnoitered a number of major legislative techniques, many of which have had the effect of enlightening congressional oversight. Sunshine Laws. During the 1970s, Congress attempted to open up many facets of governmental operations to the general public. This was done through the Freedom of Information Act and the Government in Sunshine Act. By making information more broadly available to the public, these acts also increase the amount of information available to Congress. The Congressional Veto. Very often Congress passes rather broad pieces of legislation. It is then up to specific agencies to fill in the details of these laws, both with regard to the building of governmental agencies and the processes which they follow. One might note for example that while Congress passes general tax laws, the details of the regulations regarding the payment of federal taxes is to be found not in the tax law itself but rather in the Internal Revenue Code which is developed by the Internal Revenue Service, which is an executive agency. The problem that were presented by the executive agencies developing a great many regulations or codes is that the only way Congress is able to affect these details is through the passage of new legislative acts. As we have seen, this is often a burdensome and prolonged process. In order to avoid this, Congress now writes into some authorization bills requirements for a congressional veto. According to this procedure, when an agency disseminates rules filling in the details of congressional legislation, Congress automatically has the power within a specific time period to veto some of these rules and to demand that the agency fill in the details in a different way. The important thing is that Congress can do this without having to go through the process of passing a new law. Although this procedure is rarely used, it does offer the prospective for a far greater legislative control over the procedures by which the Bureaucracy operates. Sunset Legislation. In starting governmental programs or agencies, Congress usually sets no time limit on the functioning of the program or agency. Since the 1970s, a practice developed by which Congress authorizes the existence of a program or agency for only a inadequate amount of time. In other words, Congress specifies a date by which the agency or program will conclude to function. In order for the agency to continue its operations after that time, a new bill must be passed allowing its continued existence for another specified period of time. This practice is obviously intended to avert the continued existence of agencies or programs which no longer meet a legitimate need or which fail to meet a legitimate need effectively. A dissimilarity on sunset legislation is the procedure of annual authorization. According to this procedure, the continued existence of governmental agency must be approved on a year-to-year basis. While this practice obviously creates tremendous difficulties in the ability of such an agency to engage in long-term planning, it does suggestively increase the potential effectiveness of congressional control. ‘Zero Based Budgeting (ZBB). Zero Based Budgeting is a technique through which administrators must carefully justify their entire agencies budgets. Zero based budgeting requires a continual top-to-bottom assessment of all agencies programs designed to insure their cost effectiveness. ’ (Issa, 2011) We can see that many structures and techniques have been developed to allow Congress to be more effective in its oversight activities. However, jurisdictional disputes and pressures from various well organized special interests continue to prevent these new techniques and sources of information from being used effectively. In many occurrences, the actual nature and effect of government policy depends less on the actions of our elected officials than it does on the activities of non-elected bureaucrats who often remain totally immune from the pressures of the general publicalthough not necessarily from those of well-organized special interests. One of the major political issues determining our national future is the question of how well our government is able to represent effectively the needs and desires of the American people. As we have noted, the role of Congress as a representative of the people was one of the most important functions of this first branch of government envisioned by the Founders when they drafted the Constitution. However, the many new needs which our national government has had to meet in this century have placed this role of representation under great stress.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Tech Schooling Essay examples -- Education, Vo-Tech High Schools

When plumbing goes bad, hair needs cutting, or the car goes on the fritz, who is going to get the call? Most people will answer â€Å"the plumber, the stylist, or the auto repair place down the road at Wal-Mart.† That answer is mostly correct. Although, the focus needs to be on how those people got where they are today. These people, who do so much work for us every single day, need to get some consideration. In most cases they would have gone to a vocational high school or technical college. These are special schools in which students learn the exact skills they need to complete their desired career in an accelerated period of time. More people should be encouraged to go to these schools, because we will need more Blue Collar workers in our future. Students as young as fourteen years of age can enter these vo-tech high schools to start training for their future career (Nolan 4). This may seem young to some parents because the common misconception of these schools is that the student stops traditional education to enter technical classes (Nolan 3). This is a false statement. Any high school student that decides to get into a tech program still has to take all of his or her core classes. At Central Nine in Indianapolis, the students have to take a half day at their normal high school. They still have to take their English, math, science and all the other required courses for them to graduate with their class. Then the second half of the day is spent taking their vocational classes at the Central Nine building learning the skills for their desired career. For far too long, people have regarded vocational schooling as a second class option to a traditional college. Some believe that only under achievers will attend this type of school... ...ast consider them. On the other hand, we do not need to force this concept down the throats of these nice people who are dead set on a four-year college. Vocational schooling is not for everyone. Some people are just not cut out to do manual labor. That is okay though, we still need the lawyers and bankers in our world. Encouragement is a common word throughout this paper. The best thing that can be done about the problem of dwindling enrollment in technical college is to encourage people considering this schooling. Encourage people to look into this type of education, because we do need more Blue Collar workers in our future. Encourage current or past students to talk about their experiences in tech schools with people who are confused about what they want to do in their life. Encourage them that this option is NOT for under achievers, but for over achievers.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ilu, the Talking Drum Essay

For too long, people have neglected to remember where their culture stems from. The culture that lies in our past is connected to our present and ultimately, our future. Despite the possibilities that learning about our past can offer, there is no limit to how much despair can be found during the search. However, it is because of those faults that allow us to move forward in life. This point of view is the main focus in the poem â€Å"Ilu, the Talking Drum,† a tale revolving around the remembrance of the author’s culture. In any case, we may not be able to look back, but we can certainly move forward. The main premise of â€Å"Ilu† is a tale of simplicity for the most part. It speaks about the simple pleasures of a nice day, beautiful areas, a serene silence, and the beauty of love making. However, with every bright side to a story, there is a darkness that accompanies it. Simply put, life is easily interrupted by the sight of chaos and the surrounding environments. Tunji, the designated main character of the poem, straps on his ilu, the eponymous instrument of the story, and begins to play a repetitive beat, â€Å"kah doom/kah doom-doom/kah doom/kah doom-doom-doom,† as a way to ward off whatever seems to be attacking the characters. At the end, the playing of the drum ends the poem, settling the story on a peaceful note. The poem, penned by Etheridge Knight, speaks about how something so simple, such as the beat of a drum, can soothe even the most threatening of situations. It also reveals a few examples of wisdom, such as saying that the simple things in life are often the best. It also plays the reader’s sense of having security and peace, as if they want to be comforted by the thoughts of the poem. It also makes use of racial epithets, but used in a way to convey it as an informal term for an African-American. The story relies on the use of intense imagery, as the poem utilizes a creeping darkness as the principal scene for the story and in a way, the main antagonist. It seems that the overall peaceful tone of the poem is perhaps its greatest strength, as well as its greatest weakness. One of the poem’s lesser faults is that it is short in comparison to other stories of similar content, but it is most ignored by the reader. Another fault of the story is it is unclear of what the story’s meaning is, even if one were to read it. As a result, it requires much consideration and thought in order to find the basis of the author’s reasoning for writing such a poem. As mentioned earlier, the poem’s inherent weakness makes it target for readers who do not have a taste for such poems, which can potentially turn away much of the reading population. As a result, the story may not see much use in the foreseeable future. In closing, the poem helps those interested in it to remember the easier times and can help to embrace a more peaceful existence. The story provides guidance and knowledge, which in turn imparts the necessities to lead this lifestyle. A culture cannot survive if all is forgotten, but by reviving its traditions and practices, it will live for all time.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Compare and contrast the poems ‘part one’ by Adrian Henri and the excerpts from William Wordsworth’s poem ‘the prelude’

Both William Wordsworth and Adrian Henri base their poems on childhood experiences, which were inspirational for their poems. Each has a nostalgic view of their childhood and idealise the past which were carefree and when they had no responsibilities. Liverpool was a formative influence for Adrian Henri's poem ‘part one' which is an account of his early life. Whereas William Wordsworth's inspiration for his poem came from where he grew up, The Lake District in Cumbria. He has become Britain's most famous poet of nature. For each poet childhood experiences were a happy time; however there were also traumatic and more disturbing memories, especially for Henri, which they had suppressed. The settings of both Adrian Henri and William Wordworth's poems are the exact antithesis of each other. Adrian Henri grew up in industrial city which is on the north-west coast of England. The reference to ‘the ferryboat' and ‘the seven bridges' indicates that Adrian Henri grew up in Liverpool, the river being the river Mersey. The mention of ‘the boats on the bright river' and ‘the cranes from the dockyard' evokes the sense that Liverpool is a city where shipbuilding is a major source of employment. The description of the ‘nasty smell from the tannery' emphasises the view that Liverpool is an industrial area which creates pollution and causes damage to the environment. The allusion to the ‘big shops at Christmas' reminds us that Liverpool is a sizeable city and very busy at Christmas time. Although Liverpool reached its prime during the heady 1960's and indeed the city did suffer economically during the 1980's. Liverpool is possibly most renowned as the home of the most successful pop band of all time-the Beatles, heralding the beginning of an era in which Liverpool was the capital of popular culture. William Wordsworth's poem ‘the Prelude' has a famous extract in which the poet is ice-skating on a frozen lake, Esthwaite water near Hawkshead. The setting of Wordsworth's poem is a pastural scene where there is mention of ‘cottage windows' and ‘the striking of the village clock' which gives the impression that he came from a rural background and he was bought up in the countryside. The reference to ‘precipes and crags' indicate that there are mountains nearby where he grew up. The extract from the poem is set in the winter season around January or February. There is reference to the ‘frosty season' and there is characterisation of the ‘leafless trees' and the ‘fires blazing through the twilight gloom' the poet also mentions that it is nearly dark at 6 o'clock. Adrian Henri lived in area where there were a wide range of back to back terraced houses. He grew up very much in a traditional working class background, but a proud one which looked after their home, the step was ‘cleaned twice a week' and a ‘polished lobby' they were a devoutly religious family. We get the impression that Adrian Henri was an only child, who was cared by his grandfather as his mum had to work. The poet seemed to have been closer to his grandfather rather than his mother. On returning home from shopping he would shout to his grandfather to show him what he had ‘just been bought' he also recalls his grandfather's moustache tickling him whilst his grandfather was kissing. To a young child the grandfather could have been intimidating with his ‘load voice'. However, this was not the case because of the ‘laughter in his country mans eyes' his bark was more harmful than his bite. He was fastidious over his appearance he wore ‘gleaming black boots' he was a man of habit ‘he never wore a collar but always a stud. ‘ He was a countryman at heart. He grew up in a rural and the agricultural environment. His experiences seem to reflect one of the key movements in the nineteenth century called rural depopulation. Once arriving to Liverpool Adrian's grandfather would try re-create the countryside by building on allotment, he had a connexion with nature Adrian Henri compares his grandfather to a ‘tall fir tree inn the park. ‘ Adrian Henri's uncle Bill was a burden and an embarrassment to the family in front of neighbours and other visitors. He smelt of ‘bear and horses' from this we can conjecture he used to spend most of his time in the pub and betting offices. He was a veteran of the First World War, because of the war he became disabled he was incapacitated and unemployed. Unfortunately William Wordsworth's parents had past away ‘cares not for his home' he does not have to worry about going home on time. The poet uses a simile to compare himself to an ‘un tired horse' to evoke his energy and enthusiasm to be out of doors. In the line ‘we hissed along the polished ice in games' the poet uses onomatopoeia to suggest the sounds the skates would make while moving over the ice. In the middle of the poem Wordsworth deliberately chooses to convey an impression of great sound or movement ‘rhythm', ‘tumult', not a voice was idle'. It is maniphastly clear that Wordsworth preferred spending time alone rather than being around people. We get the impression Adrian Henri had a reasonable happy childhood he has fond memories of relatives ad images of home characterized by bright colours. However when Henri returns to his hometown it was a dillusioning experience. He had hoped to find familiar landmarks but everything had changed. ‘The allotment at the foot of the hill had gone now', ‘great gaunt terraces scarred with graffiti. ‘ By revisiting Liverpool it had bought back unhappy memories which had been forgotten. Wordsworth preferred to be on his own and isolated from other people. At the time of the boat incident it was early evening Wordsworth was independent he was in an adventures spirit. Stealing the boat indicates his willingness to do forbid things. it was an act of stealth and ‘troubled pleasure' at first he enjoyed the experience and deliberately rowed for the ‘horizons utmost boundary'- to escape from where he started willingness to be alone ‘prode of skill' the simile ‘the boat moved through the lake like a graceful swan'. There is a change of mood and atmosphere when the huge mountain comes into view. Wordsworth had a childish imagination that the mountains were alive and like a giant striding after him. Wordsworth uses personification to suggest the mountain is not inamate object but has come alive. Wordsworth had the impression that the mountain was in pursuit of him. Wordsworth hastly returned the boat which indicates how frightened he was at the time. After this incident Wordsworth's mood changed significantly. ‘part one' by Adrian Henri was not actually thought out, the poem is written in an unstructured way with no logical sequence, there is no punctuation, virtually no capital letters apart fro m the names. It is written in a stream of consciousness with a series of disconnected thoughts, whereas Wordsworth's poem. ‘The prelude' is a long autobiographical poem. It is written on a specific childhood experience. Both poems are about childhood memories but clearly there are differences, the settings of both poems, the way the poems are written and the mood and atmosphere of both poems differ. The way that Liverpool had all changed, the place Henri grew changed entirely, everything he had remembered had changed or gone. Houses had been knocked down ‘ugly flats' the people who had lived there had also gone. Henri's Liverpool had dramatically changed into an environment he did not remember. The Lake District is a renowned area of England for its natural scenery beauty, thousands of people visit from England and all over the world. Wordsworth was the one who ‘made it popular. ‘ In my opinion I prefer ‘part one' by Adrian Henri because it does not focus on a specific memory. It is easier to understand as it is not as long as ‘the prelude' which is on specific memories.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Practice in Turning Adjectives Into Adverbs

Practice in Turning Adjectives Into Adverbs Many adverbs are formed by adding -ly to an adjective. The adverb softly, for instance, comes from the adjective soft. (Note, however, that not all adverbs end in -ly. Very, quite, always, almost, and often are some of the common adverbs that are not formed from adjectives.) Instructions In each set below, complete the second sentence with an adverbial form of the italicized adjective in the first sentence. Example: Original:  Gus is usually a careful driver.Adverbial form: He always drives carefully when children are in the car. When youre done, compare your answers with those below. Practice Exercises We live on a quiet suburban street. Even the dogs bark _____.This is a dangerous road. Were driving _____ close to the shoulder.My friend Alice is a polite young woman. She asked _____ if she could borrow my boyfriend.The clown made a deep impression on my daughter. His sad smile touched her _____.I apologize for my foolish behavior. Yesterday I acted _____ in class.Ferdinands apology sounded sincere. He said he was _____ sorry for driving over your motorcycle with his tractor.I ordered a manual transmission. Are the windows operated _____?Shyla made a generous contribution to the Salvation Army. She gives _____ every year.This morning Gus had an accidental encounter with an ice cream van. He _____ backed his pick-up truck into the van.Marvin is a graceful infielder. He moves _____.This is an easy assignment. I expect to pass _____.Merdine is a brave woman. She _____ challenged the principal and the school board.There was a rapid change in the weather. The temperature dropped _____.I m troubled by my brothers strange behavior. Yesterday I heard him talking _____ to our cat. My father is a cautious man. When everyone else is upset, he speaks softly and acts _____. Exercise Answers   We live on a  quiet  suburban street. Even the dogs bark  quietly.This is a  dangerous  road. Were driving  dangerously  close to the shoulder.My friend Alice is a  polite  young woman. She asked  politely  if she could borrow my boyfriend.The clown made a  deep  impression on my daughter. His sad smile touched her  deeply.I apologize for my  foolish  behavior. Yesterday I acted  foolishly  in class.Ferdinands apology sounded  sincere. He said he was  sincerely  sorry for driving over your motorcycle with his tractor.I ordered a  manual  transmission. Are the windows operated  manually?Shyla made a  generous  contribution to the Salvation Army. She gives  generously  every year.This morning Gus had an  accidental  encounter with an ice cream van. He  accidentally  backed his pick-up truck into the van.Marvin is a  graceful  infielder. He moves  gracefully  when making a double play.This is an  easy  assignmen t. I expect to pass  easily.Merdine  is a  brave  woman. She  bravely  challenged the principal and the school board.There was a  rapid  change in the weather. The temperature dropped  rapidly. Im troubled by my brothers  strange  behavior. Yesterday I heard him talking  strangely  to our cat.My father is a  cautious  man. When everyone else is upset, he speaks softly and acts  cautiously.

Monday, October 21, 2019

College Time Management 101

College Time Management 101 Time management can be one of the most important- and difficult- skills to learn during your college years. With so much going on, staying on top of your time can sometimes seem impossible. You might very well come to realize that time is your most precious commodity in college. Fortunately, however, there are a number of things you can do to help make sure your time management as a student leaves you feeling organized and in control instead of exhausted and behind. Planning Ahead You cant plan your time well if you dont know what youre planning for. Although it can be a pain in the brain, spending a little time now can help save a ton of time in the future. How to Plan for a Major Research PaperHow to Plan for a Major Group ProjectHow to Prevent Procrastination in the First Place8 Steps for Strong Time Management in College Avoiding Problems in Advance Of course, sometimes  life just happens. So how can you make sure you avoid unnecessary time traps that can turn from a minor inconvenience to a major problem? Top 10 Time Wasters in CollegeJust What Is Good Time Management Anyway? Executing Youve planned ahead. You know what to look out for along the way. Youre ready to start this semester/project/paper/you-name-it and stay on top of your time, all of the time. Whats the best way to execute your plans? Good Time Management Systems- and How to Use Them5 Critical Time Management Skills for College StudentsUsing the TIMED System for College Time Management Finding Motivation Along the Way Good time management takes, well, time. So what can you do if you find yourself needing a little motivation along the way? 8 Benefits of Good Time Management5 Disadvantages of Bad Time ManagementTime Management Quotations Times Up?! What to Do If Time Runs Out Sometimes, not matter how much you plan or how great your intentions are, things just dont work out. So what can you do to fix- and learn from- your time management mistakes? How to Ask for an ExtensionHow to Make a Paper LongerHow to Break the Habit of Procrastination Just like everything else youre learning during your time in school, great time management skills take time to learn- and that includes letting yourself learn from your mistakes. Strong time management is important enough, however, that continually striving to improve is worth the effort each and every time.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Murder of Roseann Quinn

The Murder of Roseann Quinn Roseann Quinn was a 28-year-old school teacher who was brutally murdered in her apartment by a man she had met at a neighborhood bar. Her murder prompted the movie hit, Looking for Mr.Goodbar. Early Years Roseann Quinn was born in 1944. Her parents, both Irish-American, moved the family from Bronx, New York, to Mine Hill Township, New Jersey when Quinn was 11. At age 13 she was diagnosed with polio and spent a year hospitalized. Afterwards she was left with a slight limp, but was able to return to her normal life. Quinns parents were both devout Catholics and raised their children as such. In 1962, Quinn graduated from the Morris Catholic High School in Denville, New Jersey. By all appearances she seemed to get along well with her classmates. A notation in her yearbook described her as, Easy to meet...nice to know. In 1966 Quinn graduated from the Newark State Teachers College and she began teaching at St. Josephs School for the Deaf in the Bronx. She was a dedicated teacher who was well liked by her students. The 1970s In the early 1970s the womans movement and the sexual revolution was beginning to take hold. Quinn adopted some of more liberal points of view of the times, and unlike some of her peers, she surrounded herself with a circle of racially diverse friends from various backgrounds and professions. She was an attractive woman, with an easy smile and an opened attitude. In 1972, she moved by herself into New York City, renting a small studio apartment on the West Side. Living alone seemed to nourish her desire for independence and she would often go to bars alone after work. There she would sometimes read a book while sipping wine. Other times she would meet men and invite them back to her apartment for the night. This promiscuous side of her seemed in direct conflict with her serious, more professional day time persona, especially because often times the men she met seemed on the rough side and lacking in education. Neighbors would later say that fairly regularly Quinn could be heard fighting with men in her apartment. On at least one occasion the fighting turned physical and left Quinn hurt and bruised. New Years Day, 1973 On Jan. 1, 1973, Quinn, as she had on many occasions, went across the street from where she lived to a neighborhood bar called W. M. Tweeds. While there she met two men, one a stock broker named Danny Murray and his friend John Wayne Wilson. Murray and Wilson were gay lovers who had lived together for almost a year. Murray left the bar around 11 p.m. and Quinn and Wilson continued to drink and talk late into the night. Around 2 a.m. they left Tweeds and went to Quinns apartment. The Discovery Three days later Quinn was found dead inside the apartment. She had been beaten over the head with a metal bust of herself, raped, stabbed at least 14 times and had a candle inserted into her vagina. Her apartment was ransacked and the walls were splattered with blood. The news of the grisly murder spread through New York City quickly and soon details of Quinns life, often written as her double life became front page news. In the meantime detectives, who had few clues to go on, released a sketch of Danny Murray to the newspapers. After seeing the sketch Murray contacted a lawyer and met with the police. He told them what he knew including that Wilson had returned to their apartment and confessed to the murder. Murray supplied Wilson with money so he could go to his brothers house in Indiana. John Wayne Wilson On January 11, 1973, police arrested Wilson for the murder of Roseann Quinn. Afterwards details of Wilsons sketchy past were revealed. John Wayne Wilson was 23 at the time of his arrest. Originally from Indiana, the divorced father of two girls, relocated to Florida before going to New York City. He had a lengthy arrest record having served jail time in Daytona Beach, Florida for disorderly conduct and again in Kansas City, Missouri on larceny charges. In July 1972, he escaped from a Miami jail and made it to New York where he worked as a street hustler until he met and moved in with Murray. Although Wilson had been arrested numerous times, there was nothing in his past that indicated that he was a violent and dangerous man. Wilson later made a full statement about the case. He told police that he was drunk the night he killed Quinn and that after going to her apartment they smoked some pot. He became enraged and killed her after she made fun of him for not being able to perform sexually. Four months after his arrest Wilson committed suicide by hanging himself in his cell with bed sheets. Criticism of Police and News Media During the Quinn murder investigation, police were often quoted in a way that made it appear the Quinns lifestyle was more to blame for her murder than the murderer himself. A protective voice from the womans movement seemed to curl around Quinn who could not defend herself, speaking up for her right to live the way she wanted, and to keep her as the victim, and not as a temptress whose actions caused her to be stabbed and beaten to death. Although it had little effect at the time, complaints on how the media presented Quinns murder and other women murdered during that time, influenced some change in how respectable news agencies wrote about female murder victims. Looking for Mr. Goodbar Many in New York City remained haunted by the murder of Roseann Quinn and in 1975, author Judith Rossner wrote the best-selling novel, Looking for Mr. Goodbar, which mirrored Quinns life and the way she was murdered. Described as a cautionary story to woman, the book became a best seller. In 1977 it was made into a movie starring Diane Keaton as the victim.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 61

Discussion - Essay Example Trying to match the racial and ethnic structure of the population may not be the best move as it becomes difficult for people to choose where they need to be assigned (Fried and Fottler 37). Furthermore, the medical schools present need to provide the exact number of anticipated nurses targeted to graduate. This is so as to try and fill the number of spots that retired nurses, physicians, and professionals leave after serving in the health field. This can be done through the training-output estimation program, which may bring focus to the projected number of future nurses in healthcare organizations. Predicting the estimated population may present organizations with a foreseeable number of nurses that may be needed in different areas. Ensuring that organizations are aware of these numbers may provide them with a rough estimate of how many nurses, physicians, and professionals may be needed to cater to the rising population (Fried and Fottler 32). These are some of the ways in which the shortages that are occurring nation-wide can be handled and assist in providing prospective nurses the opportunity to work and prove their worth in the health

The Boy Is Stripped Pajama Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Boy Is Stripped Pajama - Research Paper Example The story begins with the family of 8 years old Bruno who have to shift from Berlin to a new home in an unknown place called out-with. As Bruno tries to adventure in his current surrounding he is informed that there are places that forbidden at all times with no expectation. Bruno is unable to control his adventurous spirit and ventures into the unknown places. The story is interesting since the writer has combined youthful innocence and naivety of what the reader knows. Comparison on the film "the boy in the striped pajamas" and the book "the boy in the striped pajamas In the book, it does not have drama and action but it still works. Drama is happening between the two boys, and this makes the book to be fascinating. The two boys do not understand anything going around the camp and this makes their relationship honest and simple. The two boys are the same only that they are born in different circumstances. One boy is born into wealth and respect while the other boy is born into pers ecution and imprisonment. At the young age of 8, neither of the boys understand what is happening around them, and their way of viewing the world is what drives the book forward. On the contrary, The Boy Is Stripped Pajama film is more dramatic than the book. Some characters get more roles than they get in the book since there is no perspective limit. The mother played by Vera goes slowly crazy into horrific and compelling at once. Bruno’s sister is also horrifying as she gradually progresses from sweet young teenager into Nazi activist. She enjoys her lessons, a factor that explains the amount of money Germans spend on the Jews and how life would be easier if they were disposed. Her sister scolds Bruno as he likes reading adventure books and does not take into new lesson plan. In the film, the dad is played to be the authoritarian family person performing his role. The arguments with his wife are moving because he wants to set a good example to his soldiers. He starts to rea lize that living in a camp is a bad place to bring up children. Overall, the film sticks to the book’s event perfectly well. The only change is the dramatic ending as it is much slower in the book compared to the film. Both the book and film are brilliant, but the book is more appealing. The book sticks to the film very well but on its own, it is not compelling. The film loses innocence and naivety of Bruno’s viewpoint, and this is what makes the book unique. On rare occasion do people get such an impact when the film ends that they exit the theater in total silence (Lasalle, 2). Many people are speechless from the stigma they get from the movie. Holocaust movies are not something new since they are moving stories that show perspective of explored situations. The movie boy in stripped pajamas sets asides evil actions of the Germans and besieged Jews but instead offers two innocent boys. These two boys are Jewish and German, and they do not know they should hate each ot her. The movie presents something tragic to the audience sending them with a strong message to consider than historical atrocities. Comparison on Plot In The Boy Is Stripped Pajama film, Bruno’s father is a young commandant who is promoted; hence, his family was forced to shift. This means that they have to leave their comfortable home in berlin and shift to a Spartan country compound. Bruno thinks the camp is a farm where odd people work in pajamas. His parents are not ready to reveal the truth to protect him from the truth. The place has little meaning to Bruno since his only concern is that he does not have anybody to play with in his new home. The only company Bruno and his sister enjoy is a propagandizing tutor (Lasalle, 2). One day Bruno sneaks out of the compound and moves on the direction of the

Friday, October 18, 2019

Normal Distribution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Normal Distribution - Essay Example For a group of statistics to be reliable, they need to have a normal or bell-shaped curve. In order to help achieve this outcome, the mean will need to be as close to the center as possible. Also, the standard deviation will likely be small in order to help the curve remain tall and narrow. The reason why normal distribution is so useful computationally is that it allows us to make conclusions from the data at hand. Let’s say, for instance, that a graph was skewed either to the left of the right. It would be very hard to come to any conclusive theories based off the data. This is because the data would not be reliable and could not be used to make any assumptions. Normal distribution is symmetrical, so it is easy to make conclusions just by looking at it with the naked eye. Other forms of data may require detailed calculations in order to make an inference or hypothesis. If a curve displays normal distribution, then the mean will be exactly the same figure as the median and the mode. Also, the standard deviations will be within a set range of numbers. If a curve is bell-shaped, then more than two thirds of the distribution (68%) will lie between one standard deviation of the mean. More than this, 95% of the data will be located within two standard deviations of the mean. All these figures are useful when working out probability. It is possible to say that there is a certain percent of a variable falling within a certain range on the graph. The tests such as Goodness of Fit, Independence, and ANOVA all use other distributions because the data is not symmetrically aligned. It could be that the distribution is skewed, either to the left or the right, and thus it is not possible to come to a conclusion simply by looking at the graph. The occurrence of outliers is also likely in such a case. One such method is the Chi-square

Peter Alex Keller Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Peter Alex Keller - Research Paper Example Peter Alex Keller, 41, a resident of North Bend Washington, was formally charged with first degree murder and first degree arson on Wednesday, 25 April in King County Superior Court, after he shot his wife , Lynnette, 41, and daughter, Kaylene, 18 with .22 caliber gunshot and fled to the woods. After murdering his family and pets, Keller torched his rental home at 47227 S.W, 159th Street North Bend before heading on The Rattlesnake Ridges to hide in a bunker he spent eight years in building. According to court documents, Lynette and Kaylene died due to injuries from gunshot wounds to the head, inside. The week following the murders, the police searched the whole area for the forty-one year old suspect. Meanwhile, the county prosecutors were compiling a case against the suspect who was missing after the police discovered bodies of the two victims at the burned down North Bend house. Keller’s disappearance added fuel to the speculation about the real identity of the killer and i f the police found him, he would be sentenced to 51 to 65 years in prison. Due to the discovery of Keller’s car, the police knew he was hiding in the woods and warned hikers as well as community members that a killer was on the loose in the woods. (Anonymous, 2012). The Investigation According to the court documents, Keller had been planning to murder his family and pets since quite a while. Using an Issaquah branch of Chase Bank on Friday, April 20, withdrew $6,200. The same day in the evening Keller switched off his cell phone. Furthermore, he took Monday, Thursday, and Friday before the murders off from work. According to court documents, Keller when questioned by a co-worker about when he was going to return to work, he replied, â€Å"I may not come back next week, the week after that, or maybe never†. The court records also state the fact that one Keller’s co-workers reported about the firearms Keller possessed which included high powered rifles with scopes , and silencers. According to the co-worker, Keller had not informed his wife about the silencers because they were excruciatingly expensive. The police during their search of the burned house, found two empty boxes for silencers on the master bedroom’s floor. The police also found on the bedroom’s floor, one box of .22 caliber bullets, spent .22 shell casings along with few empty firearms boxes. (Anonymous, 2012). At the crime scene, detectives found that the shed door was open which suggests that it was most probably used by Keller to hide plastic gas cans filled with gasoline. During the crime scene investigation, the detectives found seven cans of gasoline which had been placed in different parts of the house. The reports of arson investigators suggested that the house was deliberately set on fire. This was a very important piece of evidence which proved that Keller was the murderer. The investigators found that the fire was initiated by placing a one gallon plasti c gas on a skillet which was placed on the stove. The burner ignited fumes inside the can and the fire spread quickly which damaged the kitchen roof and it collapsed partially. According to the evidence found inside the house, the arson investigators concluded that the fire started to spread within half an hour after the gasoline can was placed on the burner. The firefighters found and removed two five-gallon gas cans and three two-gallon gas cans from different strategic locations inside the house. After the fire was put out, the firefighters removed the two victims. The firefighters who found Kaylene on top of a bunker bed stated that her body was limp which meant that she had died a short while ago because rigor mortis had not set in. According to the charging papers, the firefighters stated that â€Å"death had occurred within a short period of time†. Lynette’s hair contained a spent shell and there were two gunshot wounds on her head. Of the two gunshots wounds, o ne was behind her right ear

Thursday, October 17, 2019

ACT 23 The US Govenment and the Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ACT 23 The US Govenment and the Economy - Essay Example According to the model, C indicates consumption by consumers, X and M represent exports and imports respectively. The ‘I’ and ‘G’ represent government investment and government spending respectively. It is impossible to compute the GDP without considering the government’s investment in the public sector and its spending. Government’s investments take the form of gross capital formation and final consumption expenditure. For example, government investment in gross capital formation entails investing on projects that ought to derive future benefits to the public such as infrastructure. On the other hand, investments on final consumption entail purchasing goods and services that ought to satisfy the public’s immediate needs. The government’s spending forms the third component of the GDP model. Spending in this case refers to the act of obtaining and releasing money to the economy. Such a phenomenon is referred to as the fiscal policy. The government controls the monetary system through treasury bonds and bills. The government sells the treasury bonds and bills to the public to reduce the amount of funds in the economy. On the other hand, the government may buy the treasury bonds and bills from the public to increase the amount of funds in the economy. As such, the government controls the flow of money by trading on the treasury bonds and bills. The government’s role in the economy should not cease. In fact, its role ought to increase. This is possible through the monetary policy. The government has control over the flow of funds in the economy. In addition, the flow of funds in the economy dictates economic growth. However, such flow ought to be kept at a manageable level to avoid inflation or slow economic growth in the case of excessive funds and a deficit respectively. The government ought to apply stringent measures to control how commercial banks implement the monetary policy. The public ought to access funds at a

Quality in Business Terms Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Quality in Business Terms - Research Paper Example Quality can be conditional, perpetual or subjective with respect to different businesses and different people. The concept quality is seen differently by different people and different businesses. Quality is also judged differently by different departments within the businesses (Reeves & Bednar, 1994). Quality is judged differently by customers of the business so the business also has to look at the customer’s perspective of perceiving quality. Like we can say the quality for the producer of the products is differently perceived and is measured based on the conformance of quality or may also be judged based on the degree to which the service or product has been produced in a correct way (Lee, Strong, Kahn & Wang, 2002). The report further dwells on the analysis of the term quality within the context of five aspects and has a conclusion based on the overall analysis. Quality in Business Terms In this competitive business world the term quality in terms of business can be define d as meeting the expectations and needs of the customers and consumers of the service and products. Quality in business is the relation between the business, its product, and customer. Through continuous assessment, analysis and by meeting all needs of the customer, process, business and its employees, this relationship is maintained. Quality may include several aspects in business terms but there is no specific definition in which quality can be defined. The term business is dynamic and cannot be summarized in the single area of working (Huxtable, 1994). Quality in business can be defined in various ways. One way is to define quality in terms of the relationship which business shares with its product and customers. The other way of defining quality in terms of business can be through customer’s perception of how they value the product. The human factor and process cannot be separated, thus, when a quality is built and provided in a product it generates attachment, feelings, and emotions within creator of the product. When this product brings smiles to customer’s face, then here quality is probably achieved. The product is of low quality if the potential customer does not find it is worth buying. But this definition of quality in business is not applicable everywhere. When it comes to manufacturing or industry then the quality is perceived as the relation between a product and a customer (Gordon, 2002). The definition of quality in business terms depends on the purpose. But whatever purpose we take, the main factor would always be satisfying customers’ need and meeting their expectations. If it’s about the customer then quality is meeting their needs and exceeding their expectations. Expectations may include the performance of the product, its appearance, availability when required, delivery, reliability, price, and cost-effectiveness of the product, as well as its maintainability.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

ACT 23 The US Govenment and the Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ACT 23 The US Govenment and the Economy - Essay Example According to the model, C indicates consumption by consumers, X and M represent exports and imports respectively. The ‘I’ and ‘G’ represent government investment and government spending respectively. It is impossible to compute the GDP without considering the government’s investment in the public sector and its spending. Government’s investments take the form of gross capital formation and final consumption expenditure. For example, government investment in gross capital formation entails investing on projects that ought to derive future benefits to the public such as infrastructure. On the other hand, investments on final consumption entail purchasing goods and services that ought to satisfy the public’s immediate needs. The government’s spending forms the third component of the GDP model. Spending in this case refers to the act of obtaining and releasing money to the economy. Such a phenomenon is referred to as the fiscal policy. The government controls the monetary system through treasury bonds and bills. The government sells the treasury bonds and bills to the public to reduce the amount of funds in the economy. On the other hand, the government may buy the treasury bonds and bills from the public to increase the amount of funds in the economy. As such, the government controls the flow of money by trading on the treasury bonds and bills. The government’s role in the economy should not cease. In fact, its role ought to increase. This is possible through the monetary policy. The government has control over the flow of funds in the economy. In addition, the flow of funds in the economy dictates economic growth. However, such flow ought to be kept at a manageable level to avoid inflation or slow economic growth in the case of excessive funds and a deficit respectively. The government ought to apply stringent measures to control how commercial banks implement the monetary policy. The public ought to access funds at a

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Analysis of Death of Woman Wang Historical Novel by Jonathan Spence Essay

Analysis of Death of Woman Wang Historical Novel by Jonathan Spence - Essay Example The fascinating structure of the book consists majorly on the observation on the people having to do work on the land, their social conflicts and, their family structures. ... 2 In his quest to escape the challenges and the fact of being dismissed, he was not happy to go back to his home in Shao-wu, Fukien, out of fear of disgrace, this instead compelled him into an absolute poverty3. His attempt, after finishing the local history, culminated further into more sorrow. His return to Fukien was accompanied by the Rebellion of the feudatory. Since he was amongst the many literati and former officials, he got ordered to take up bureaucratic "office", it was upon refusing to resume the office that Feng retreated to the Fukien mountains, where the constant exposure in 'bitter weather led to his death. Another key actor aforementioned is Huang who was also a magistrate in the County, stationed in the county’s city. A Chinese imperial official, who had gone past the Confucian examinations and was posted in T'an-ch'eng. Upon coming to realizing T'an-ch'eng as a very poor area, in which, almost the whole population had been decimated. In his attempt, to allev iate the poverty by campaigning for tax cuts, particularly in areas where farming had ceased to operate as usual, taxes collection could help, not only from the rich landowners but also from the poor farmers. He came across a lot of challenges and concerns; one such was the superstitions, most of the residents committing suicides out of the hard life and a series of natural disasters. Though he is compassionate, Huang can safely be considered a product of the unsuccessful Chinese major system Confucian ethics and ideas, overwhelmed by the arrogance and the corruption of the rich and the degeneracy and despair of the poor.  Ã‚  

Monday, October 14, 2019

Diversification of Agriculture Essay Example for Free

Diversification of Agriculture Essay Diversification in this case (agricultural diversification) involves the realocation of a, or some of a farms resources, to a new product or products. The prime resource of that time being sugar and the new products being the wide variety of crops that were produced and re-introduced by peasants. Peasants are a class of people of a lower status, who depends on agricultural labour for subsistence. The peasant life could be placed and termed in different categories. According to Mintz 1961, a peasant style of life was worked out by the people while they were still enslaved, these people were refered to as proto-peasants. he also makes mension of runaway pesantries or marrons, whome he described as, those who formed communities outside colonial authority, build on subsistance farming in mountainous or interior forest regions. This research will higlight how the peasants produced a wide variety of crops and the reintroduction of old ones. The purpose of this research is to show that the diversification of the caribbean economy was beecause of peasant initiative. had it not been for their efforts, the old sugar monopoly would have prevailed in the post emacipation period sustaining a system of bankruptcy and decay. Woodville K Marshall wrote, our pesantry starts in 1838 an comprises of ex-slaves who started small farms on the peripheries of plantation wherever they could find land on abandon plantations and in the mountainous unknowns of various teritories. the first aim of the ex-slaves was to move away from the forced and unpaid labour. Many others preffered to stay in their own homes amongs friends and relatives with expectations of earning enough cash to purchase certain commodoties that they were unable to gain as slaves. The feeling of complete freedom, of the plantation was only recodnise by free people if they could aquire there own lands. the simplest methods of getting propperty was to buy unoccupied land, either from land belonging to plantations which was not farmed by owner and crown lands. these crown lands was most popular in Trinidad, British Guyana and the interior of Jamaica. Land ownership also came about by squatting on unused land in the the remote interious of the large colonies. People who purchase property outright were more fortunate than squatters, they gainned written proof of ownership and the land they bought was already cleared and close to markets. however outright purchase was the exception, not the rule. The exslaves were aslo able to aquire land in other intances through missionary help. These include popular missionaries such as James Phillips and William Nibb. In 1835 Phillips, bought 10 hectares in the mountains behind Jamaica Spanishtown, subdivided the land into small lots for sale on easy term to his congregation. the new community named sligoville was the only settlement during apprenticeship. In july 1838 William Nibb shared the belief that planters would try to force extra work from their free labour by dramatically increasing rent on estate fig. 1 Newcastle, free village, in the Jamaica blue mountains. homes. William took up the mantel to help his congregation, he told them about a loan of ten thousand pounds that was granted to him by a friend from england. Knibb then said, that sum should be apropriated to the purchase of land on which you may live if your present employer force you to quit the properties on which you now live. Williams predictions came through, the planters acted as he had foreseen and by 1839 he was constructing several Free Villages for labourers who did not want to risk increases in rent on the plantations. The missionary society was quite abdoman in the development of the pesantry. Upon discusing the success of the pesantry one must give an account for the stages of development which includes the period of establishment (1839 1850-60). This was highlighted by the rapid land ownership, and the incresing number of peasants. observers of the caribbean stated, the great and universal object of the ex-slave was the aquisition of land, however limited in extent. Larger population, small size and a long established sugar industry left few oppertunities for land aqusition for peasants of island territories such as Barbados, St. Kitts and Antigua. Ex-slaves from these colonies had to think emigration. However, countries like Jamaica and the Windward Islands the sugar industry left underdeveloped montainous interiors . In Trinidad and Tobago and British Guyana a small population and young industry created many oppertunities for land aquisition. Efforts of the exslaves were so successful in the named countries that emmancipation officials were reporting an almost daily increases in number of free holders. Another stage of development is the period of consilidation in which the peasantry continues its growth in numbers and most important, a marked shift by the peasants to export crop production. For example in Jamaica (only teritory with complete figures for small holdings) the number of holding between 5 and 49 acres increased from 13 189 in 1880 to 24 226 in 1902 to 31 038 in 1930. However the most important phase of the development is what Eisner calls a new pesantry. Eisner national income estimate for Jamacia for 1850 and 1890 reveal a shift from maily provison production to mixed provisions that could be exported by peasants. a very good example of income was the value of the export crops (sugar, coffee, rum, pimento, ginger) in 1850 its estimated by Eisner at 1 089 300 pounds, of which small settlement contributed 133 500 pounds or just over 10%. The variety of products continued to grow, and shares rising until the third period (1900 and beyond). At this stage the pesantry did not expand and evidence shows that it might have been contracting. Table 2 below shows an example of evidence of a decrease in peasant holdings in Jamaica. Initially, before the growth of the peasantry, ex-slaves decided to set up themselves as peasants because although slavery had ended the principle of forced labour, had only changed to contolled labour upon those who remain on the plantations. Many who stayed in hopes of becoming wage owners, plans were shattered within a few years becasue of different reasons. Amongs these different reasons the system of tenancy which compelled the slaves to labour steadily and continuosly on the estates in return for secure residence in the house and ground which he had occupied as a slave, insecurely of tenure, as well as relatively low wages and increases in rent reinforced many ex-slaves determination to seek new and better oppertunities away from the estates accross the caribbean. a small population of the slaves were skilled which meant those who couldnt be masons, carpenters, barrel makers, wheel wrights and cart builders had to turn to the best known alternative, the soil. Only this time there hard labour would of been for their survival and not to fill their masters stock. The peasantry afforded them with the oppertunity to become wage earners. On the basis in which the pesantry was running, it was basically characterise, the pure plantation economy and society. Although the peasants were producing a great quantity and variety of subsistence food and livestock, they strove to expand their boundaries by introducing new crops and or re-introducing old ones. Bananas, coffee, citrus, coconuts, cocoa, spices (ginger and pimento), and log wood in Jamaica; Cocoa, arrowroot, spices, bananas and log wood in Windwards, were the most popular crops introduced and or re-introduced for exports. the Leewards grew arowroot as a staple export crop. It has been recorded that St. Vincent alone sold 613 380 kilograms. Small holders in Grenada exported coffee, cotton, cocoa, copra, honey and beeswax. In Trinidad squatters sold the timber they gainned from clearing crown lands for charcoal burning and export some for boat buiding and later exported coffee and cocoa. The guyanese was one of the few that was into the exportation of the rice crop. Most of the caribbean teritories were at some point in time producing certain crops for export and gathered profitable incomes. It is quit evident , that the pesantry has accumilated musch success. With the help of the missionaries and the income gainned, peasants were able to initiate the convension of plantation socities. they adapted to building local self-generating communities and used funds that they had alocated from exports along with babtist missionaries ( missionary help was popular mainly in Jamaica) who were quite abdoman in helping the peasants organise free villages and the construction of school such as Cadrinton primary school in barbados, which was run by missionaries and churches for learning and worship. They also clamoured for expansion of education facilities, communication and better maketing schemes and facilities. The peasants were able to start local co-operative movement (sou-sou, box hand and partner hand) which later develop banks some which may still be in exsistance today.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Impact Of Internet Advertising On Television Advertising

Impact Of Internet Advertising On Television Advertising Various techniques and methods have been used by advertisers to convey the message their product is meant for and to create a brand image. This paper basically deals with the evolution of advertising, the typesof advertising and concentrating on the two most important types i.e. television and internet advertising. A comparison has been done of the two major types of advertising and the impact of internet advertising on television advertising is shown. EVOLUTION OF ADVERTISING: Earlier the capitalists ruled the market and early advertising was done by simple announcement of goods or services available in the traditional placard style. The government stepped in to counterweight the monopoly created by capitalism, but nature despises a vacuum and eventually the competing force came along. Once they realised that they were dependent on a single economy, the adversarial entities also got into the advertising game in order to attract business by this means rather than debasing the market, consumers and each other. The mass production of posters and circulars was initiated after the invention of Gutenbergs printing press in 1450. The first advertisment was a handbill, printed in Englishand introduced in 1472. The main purpose of this handbill was to propagate about the sale of a prayer book.This followed by the first newspaper ad, offering a prize money for finding 12 stolen horses, 200 years later.Classified ads started appearing frequently in Englands newsletter by the 17th century.These ads just consisted of the description of the product and their price whereas color and illustrations were introduced in the late 19th century. The commision system i.e. giving a discount of 25% on the ad space in newspapers, was introduced by the first advertising agency which was set up in 1841 by Volney Palmer in Boston. The concept of space selling initiated from here. The first full-service advertising agency was N.W.Ayer Son, established in 1869. Pears Soap launched one of the initial highly successful advertising campaigns. Thomas Barratt, Father of modern advertising, introduced a series of advertisements that featured children, nature and beautiful women, in order to promote the companys product. The influential inventions that have helped to shape media and in turn advertising are: Printing press: Broadcast of information done in the form of words through different newspapers and magazines. Radio: With the invention of radio, for the first time, advertising was heard and not just seen. The sales of products advertised on radio increased since every home in America was in a possession of a radio. The advertisers started promoting their products with the advent of jingles. Television: The invention changed everything. Invented in 1920s, television became popular in 1950s after the decrease in price. With this invention print and radio had to take a backseat as for the first time a commercial message was broadcasted with sight, sound as well as motion. Internet: The invention of internet technology has made the jobs of the advertisers quite easier and more effective as it is a very powerful and fast growing communication medium that provides the consumer with easy and quick access to information and knowledge. WHAT IS ADVERTISING? Advertising can be explained as the promotion of ideas, goods or services which results in the promotion of companies. The demand of the product can be increased by promoting about the product through advertising. Some find advertising to be an unnecessary assault on their senses-typified by either a billboard distorting a beautiful landscape or a loud-mouthed boor hard selling something they dont need. Others find it an unnecessary economic burden-the one that inflates the price of everything that is being bought. But advertising actually tends to take many forms apart from the various definitions given to it. It includes communication that evidently attempts to facilitate a transaction, reaction or action. Social interactions do not necessarily have the variant of advertising in it but industrial democratic societies revolve around it. Word of mouth is not an appropriate way to sell mass produced products-they must be delivered to distant consumers who have knowledge about them. Similarly an industrialized democratic society cannot operate/survive without competition or the ability of varied competitors to offer alternatives. Mass production, then, is nothing but freedom of speech, long distance. Advertising can be seen as a promoting strategy for a companys products in order to drive sales and services but also to create a brand identity and to communicate changes to the new product/service to the customers. Advertising has become an integral part of the corporate world and hence companies invest a considerable amount of revenue on it as their advertising budget. The various reasons for advertising are: There are various reasons and media which can be used for advertising. On this basis there are several branches of advertising. Print Advertising Newspapers, Brochures ,Magazines, Fliers It is one of the most popular and common means of advertising. The advertising space is sold according to the position of the advertisement, the area occupied by the advertisement and the readership of the publications. Print media also offers promotional brochures and fliers for advertising purposes. Example: Outdoor Advertising Billboards, Tradeshows and Events, Kiosks. It also a very popular medium for advertising attracting the outdoor customers through the use of billboards, kiosks and various events and tradeshows organized by the company. Example: Broadcast advertising -Radio, Television and the Internet Television, radio and the internet make this medium of advertising very popular amongst the various types of customers. The popularity of television advertisements was seen to grow right after the moment they were introduced. The total cost depends on time of broadcast, the span of the advertisement and the popularity of the television channel on which it is to be broadcasted. Example: Vodafone Essar initiated the Zoozoo campaign and won three awards including two gold and one silver at the AME awards ceremony held in Shanghai. The radio has been decreasing in popularity ever since television and internet advertising have been introduced, but still certain small-scale advertisers prefer them. Covert Advertising Advertising in Movies This is a special type of advertising in which a brand or product is integrated in some entertainment channels like television shows, movies or sports. There is no commercial specifying about the product or brand in the entertainment but it is evidently or subtly showcased in the entertainment show. Examples of covert advertising are: The American Idol judges: Paula, Randy and Simon all sitting at their large desk and drinking out of a large cup that says Coca-Cola. BMW, Ford and Ashton Martin cars were featured in the recent James Bond movie Casino Royale. Surrogate Advertising Advertising Indirectly It is prominently used in scenarios where advertising a particular product has been banned by the law. Products like alcohol and cigarettes are prohibited any kind of advertisement in several countries due to the injurious effect of these products on the health of people. These products have to innovatively come up with many other products that might have the same brand name and which will indirectly remind people of the cigarettes or alcohol of the same brand. Example: Kingfisher and Fosters are beer brands that use surrogate advertising to advertise their products. Public Service Advertising Advertising for Social Causes It is a technique that uses advertising to convey and promote social messages and issues like global warming, AIDS, poverty, illiteracy, energy conservation, etc. David Oglivy, one of the founders of marketing and advertising concepts, encouraged the use of advertising for a social cause. He once quoted: Advertising justifies its existence when used in the public interest it is much too powerful a tool to use solely for commercial purposes. Example: Celebrity Advertising: The modern day consumer is gradually getting immune to the claims made in various advertisements but there is still a section of advertisers that depend on the celebrities and the popularity that they bring along with them. Celebrity advertising involves signing up celebrities for various ad campaigns which includes television ads and print ads. Example: TELEVISION ADVERTISING HISTORY: Broadcasting developed with companies selling radios but gradually the companies realised that many households listened to radios for a significant amount of time everyday. These companies started a way to explore this medium as a way to convey their message across to the masses. Radio broadcasting began with radio program broadcast by station WEAF in the New York City on August 28, 1922. It was a 10 minute advertisement for the suburban apartment housing. By the late 20s radio advertising had advanced dramatically and was dominating the advertising world. The utilised the creative component to sell one product or another. This paved way for genesis of television advertising that was predicted to begin in a few more decades. It took United States a long time to recover from the Depression and the World War II which resulted in the gradual hold of the full time telecating until 1948. As television was totally a new phenomenon i.e. the one offering sound and moving pictures, the advertising sector moved very vigilantly into this domain as they were not sure what method would work best to promote their rpoducts on television to their customers. After doing extensive research through study and surveys, the advertising agencies concluded that the most effective way, at that moment, to reach their consumers was by creating shows that featured a single product or a line of products from a single company. This concept gave rise to television shows of the 1950s like Colgate Comedy Hour, Kraft Television Theater and Coke time. As the television gained popularity with more and more people watching it, the television networks raised the cost of doing business and this led to the increase of the cost incurred for telecasting a product on television forcing a massive change between the relationship of advertising agencies, the sponsors/clients and television networks. Sylvester Pat Weaver, NBC executive, introduced the magazine concept according to which the sponsors would purchase blocks of time in a show instead of sponsoring an entire show. This idea was resisted by Masison Avenue but after experimentation it was seen that this was an effective method in case of various packaged-goods companies manufacturing an abundance of brand names like Procter and Gamble with products like Jif (peanut butter), Tide (detergent) and Crest (toothpaste). The magazine concept dominated the television advertising by 1960 and from thereon. In order to reach maximum number of consumers, sponsors spread their messages across the schedule of various television shows. The evolution of the magazine concept marked the birth of most modern television advertising. CATEGORIES OF TELEVISION ADVERTISING: PROS AND CONS OF TELEVISION ADVERTISING: PROS: CONS: A lot of people can be reached on an international, national as well as regional level in a short period of time. Viewers may not view the commercial if it is not interesting. Different segments of people can be targeted with ease through one medium at the same time. The exposure is limited due to a specified amout of airtime and ad clutter and amount of information communicated is less. Helps to convey the message across with the help of sight, sound and motion and reach different targeted audiences easily. In order for the consumer to retain the advertisement and act, the exposure should not be restricted to a few numbers. The advertisement needs to reach the viewer minimum 5-7 times or else it will result in nothing but a waste of money. People are not loyal to one channel. Availability of various channels due to cable leads to various choices and so it becomes difficult for an advertiser to know the exact viewership for a particular program in order to reach maximum number of people. It is not necessary that a viewer may indulge in watching commercials during a break. Infact he may end up doing lot of other things like going to the bathroom, getting a snack or having a conversation with someone The relative cost of commercials is higher since it is dominant in the area of influence and the cost depends on creativity, airtime and production. INTERNET ADVERTISING: With the advancement and development in technology came the internet, which is considered to be the most efficient channel for communication. Internet was not considered as a serious option for advertising as the websites were expensive and was mainly funded by government and various academic institutions. But nowadays internet advertising has become one the most popular medium and the websites that did not support this did not survive. Internet advertising followed the commencement of the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web was introduced in 1991 by CERN located in Switzerland. It acted as an easily accessible medium for various companies to market their products. Online advertising experienced a rapid boom and by 2001, top companies like Yahoo!, Microsoft, American Online and Amazon managed to attain a viewership of around 125-442 million viewers. Originally advertisers had to pay to advertise on the internet, mostly in the manner of a banner at the top of a webpage.But nowadays they have to pay depending on the number of clicks their ad receives. The initial web ads were banners which were nothing but horizontal adverts located across the top of the webpage. But with the rapid evolution of the internet, the concept of banners also progressed. Now the information of the advertiser could be obtained just by scrolling the mouse over the banner. Some banners even contain short videos that show the product in action. The advertisers and webmasters found new ways of placing the ads on the internet apart from banners. The ads could now be included within the content of the page, vertical banners and small buttons. Vertical banners became very famous with the advertisers as the viewer can see the ad while scrolling down a long page. Earlier all these advertisements were encoded by the webmaster and then added to the webpage but nowadays there are third party organisations who do the job of putting the ads into the webpage. Internet advertising has become a necessity for all kinds of organizations, big or small, and it is a rare situation to not find a marketing department of a large firm that does not include an e-Advertising group. Although it is the most feasible way to advertise, still internet advertising accounts for just 2% of all the advertising spending in the economy today.This is mostly because of ths fact that internet advertisements are much cheaper than the television, radio or print advertisements. TYPES OF INTERNET ADVERTISING: BANNER ADS: Their main purpose is to do branding so that the consumer can recall it later and the other one is to ensure direct sales by either just clicking on the banner or calling the number given in the banner or just visiting the sales location mentioned. Example: UNICAST ADS: These type of ads pop-up and demonstrate something similar to a miniature television commercial. If the consumer is interested in the ad and wants to learn more about the product, then he can do so by clicking on the ad. Example: SIDEBAR ADS: These are the ads that are placed vertically on the computer screen and are generally known as skyscraper ads. They are larger than the banner ads and are more effective then them since they cannot be scrolled off the screen and so the time for which the viewer is on a particular page; he has to bear the sidebar ad. Example: BLOGGING: Blog is a type of website that used to maintain various comment entries, description of events or products and different materials like videos and graphics. Example: POP-UP ADS: These are ads that pop-up in another window and are more revenue generating then the banner ads. Example: SEARCH ENGINE SUBMISSION: This is done by submitting your site to different search engines and works better with smaller search engines. SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION: This strategy works by getting your website ranked amongst the top websites which makes it a point that someone is likely to visit your website. TEXT LINKS: These are links which the viewer can click to visit another site. Owners of two websites can agree to swap links meaning that both of them install a link on the other owners site. FLOATING ADS: These ads pop-up on the screen and then drift anywhere within a timespan of 5-30 seconds. Example: IMPACT OF INTERNET ADVERTISING ON TELEVISION ADVERTISING: The advertising industry has been dominated by the television industry for all these years until recently with the advent of internet which resulted in a social boom as the social networks provided viewers with online movies and video. A huge amount of time is spent by the viewers on the internet then watching television. Internet helps to satisfy particular interests of people more completely which television fails to do. The internet provides the viewers with more and a better choice which gives them immediate satisfaction by helping them concentrate on the subject they are looking for at that moment. The monopoly of television over its viewers is no longer prevalent and is gradually decreasing. The use of DVRs has also led viewers to switch from television to internet as the DVR owners are now skipping all the television commercials. Television ads are found to be long, troublesome and easily avoidable whereas there are certain types of internet advertising which cannot be avoided and it must be watched since it is brief and interesting. The marketers are now accomodating as much as 20% of their advertising budget to internet advertising as internet advertising is more interesting and affects the brand image in a completely different manner as compared to television advertising. Also, different viewers can view different advertisements on the same webpage while browsing through the internet whereas this option is not available with television advertising. Advertisers have realised that internet works as a direct communication medium with their customers and that providing them with useful information about their products, helps them build a customer database for their future use. The major characteristics of internet advertising that distinguishes it from television advertising are: CONCLUSION: In order to reap the benefits of information technology, Internet works as a stepping-stone. The future of internet advertising is very bright and advertisers should refocus their ideologies about advertising in relation to the use of internet and the policy pertaining to privatizing the internet service. The popularity of the internet can be seen by the usage in different regions depicted in the graph below: As it has been shown above that internet is gradually taking over the advertising market and destroying the monopoly of television advertising, we can easily say that internet advertising can turn out to be the new leader of advertising and entertainment in future.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Levinas on the Border(s) :: Teaching Education

Levinas on the Border(s) ABSTRACT: This essay explores my own situation of teaching philosophy in a more or less traditional undergraduate setting but in a way that is especially relevant to the theme of this Congress, namely, the theme of "philosophy educating humanity." In my case, I teach philosophy but from a perspective that is non-traditional and which undercuts the standard questions originating from and orienting around a "philosophia perennia." Specifically, I teach philosophy of religion from the perspective of Jewish philosophy, and even more specifically, from the perspective of the French Jewish philosophy of Emmanuelle Levinas. Moreover, I teach philosophy in an educational environment that is representative of the greater global community because I teach at the University of Texas at El Paso, situated on the border that separates the United States and Latin America. Finally, my teaching situation is one that is further marginalized because of the precarious nature of my academic position, name ly, trained outside the traditional borders of philosophical faculty and working at first as a part-timer and only recently as a full-time, non-tenure track teacher of philosophy and humanities. Hence, I offer my experience of doing work of successfully teaching philosophy "on the borders" in the hope that others gathered here will be challenged to think differently about their own way of educating others. What follows is about teaching the philosophy of Levinas, on the Mexico/USA border, on the border of a traditional discipline of philosophy (the philosophy of religion), and on the border of academia--as a non-tenure-track, non-traditionally trained Lecturer in Philosophy and Humanities at the University of Texas at El Paso. The relevance of these three interrelated themes for the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy, whose theme is "Philosophy Educating Humanity," should be at least initially obvious, but a few preliminary remarks should clear up any confusions about my title. Most important of all, my scope is broader and deeper than the stated regional or academic limits. I contend that how I do what I do where I am at, and with whom I teach and learn has inter-national and inter-cultural significance which justifies inclusion of my remarks in an international Paideia forum. As a non-Jew with a degree in Religious Studies, I teach the philosophy of Levinas, a French-Jewish philosopher, in a relatively traditional Program of Philosophy to Spanish-speaking-Mexicans, Mexican-Americans, and Anglo-Americans. Moreover, I do so in the predominantly Christo-centric and conservative cultural climate of the border region of El Paso, USA and Juarez, Mexico.

Friday, October 11, 2019

A Critical Response Essay on Walt Whitman’s A Noiseless Patient Spider

Walt Whitman’s poem is obviously comparing the web spun by the spider and the soul of one’s self. The use of words pertaining to space is in abundance in the whole poem and this is both the case when the persona was describing the noiseless and patient spider (â€Å"explore the vacant, vast surrounding†, line 3) and when describing his own soul (â€Å"Surrounded, surrounded, in measureless oceans of space†, line 7).The most fascinating aspect of the poem is that Whitman uses a free-verse style and yet a rhythm is formed with the tempo and a beat of how a spider would have been doing and feeling while spinning the silver web and trying to latch it to open spaces around it or how the soul of the persona itself is trying to seek â€Å"spheres† and â€Å"to connect them† (line 8) to the open space present around the soul.When a reader imagines the imagery presented in the poem, it is not the spider or the soul which is visualized. Instead, the re ader sees the imagery of a spider being noiseless and patient with spaces around it and the soul being noiseless and patient as well. Thus, the spider and the soul are both the same with their need to cling to something outside the space and to venture forth outside that space.Moreover, there is a sense of purpose and existence of both the soul and the spider since they both have to latch on to something. The spider has to in fact, launch â€Å"filament, filament, filament, out of itself† (line 4) and the soul has to fling its â€Å"gossamer thread† (line 10) until it â€Å"catch somewhere† (line 10).Therefore, the spider and the soul is one and the same. The link or the parallelism of both the spider and the soul is their place in space. Other than that, the spider and the soul would be enormously different from each other.  

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Advantages and disadvantages of a motorcycle Essay

All over the world are millions of motorcycles. With different shapes, colors, and dimensions. This is a motor vehicle similar to a bicycle but usually larger and heavier, chiefly for one rider but some times having two saddles or an attached side car for passenger. Also a motorcycle is fun and very useful but also dangerous. Motorcycles have many advantages and disadvantages. First, one of the advantages of this kind of vehicle is the gas miles per gallon. Motorcycles have smaller engines so they consume less gas. Therefore, a regular motorcycle usually expends fifty-five miles per gallon. For example; if you ride daily ten miles, you have to fill the tank ones each with two or thee gallons of fuel. Second, another advantage is that motorcycles have more parking facilities. Bikes usually have more parking because they are less popular than cars and also smaller. For example; In my college are building a new parking garage but now a days there is no parking for cars, but there is parking for motorcycles. Third, the last advantage is the maintaining of a motorcycle. Maintaining a motorcycle is very inexpensive. Riders usually change the oil and fix the problems. Perhaps, this service is very inexpensive. Also, the parts of a motorcycle are less expensive than cars. Some bikes just cost the same as just the engine of a car. On the other hand, one of the disadvantages is the weather condition. Riders have to check the weather before the go out because this vehicle don’t have roof neither windows that can guard you from the water, iced, and high and low temperatures. Furthermore, another disadvantage is the storage space. Motorcycles cant moved big goods. They usually have small compartment that you can storage a backpack or some grocery bags. If you have to move a box or you did a huge shopping, you will need a car. Last but not least, motorcycles are dangerous. This vehicle doesn’t have safe systems like air bags or safety belt. Therefore, you are the bumper of the bike. Usually a motorcycle accident is dangerous than a car accident.. To sum up, motorcycles have advantages and disadvantages like good gas millage, more parking spaces and inexpensive maintenance otherwise they are dangerous, not weather proof and less storage facilities. In my personal opinion, I think that having a motorcycle is awesome but with respect and attention.

Education Algebra Essay

Coming into mathematics for elementary educators with my classmates, everyone had some type notion of what this course consists of. For most people math is a very hard and complex subject that requires complicated rules that a person would never use again. A person who has not been exposed to math would say math is just numbers, shapes, and some simple arithmetic. To a serious math student, math encompasses much more than just numbers and geometrical shapes, of course. During math 213 I bought into many misconceptions about math. During Week one I learned about no child left behind act and the pro’s and con’s that are associated with this act. We reviewed the order of operations and learned different meanings to some math terminology. The most exciting teaching strategy I learned in week one was called the pinch card. The pinch card allows the teacher to observe the students, while the students pinch different signs when learning the order of operation. It is a piece of paper that consists of the addiction, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponent, and parentheses symbol. Week two we discuss union, intersection, complement, different properties, commutative, associative, and identity. I learned how to use manipulative to teach different teaching strategy while teaching decimals. I found it difficult to understand some questions off the math homework during week two which help me comprehend how students will feel. Math is not hard for me to understand but I realize I have to stay super focus while in math class or I will get lose easily with the different numbers. Math is not a hard subject and many times I made it harder by not using the problem solving steps which are, explore problem, plan, solve, examine, which are very helpful when understood . My philosophy toward teaching math is to look at math from a logical standpoint instead of trying to figure it out; you will see that logically everything will fall into place. I am not a math teacher however, there is one thing I wish all math teachers would focus more on and that is teaching students to view math logically. While it is very important to know how to work, a problem out it is also equally important for students to learn to look at the problem from a logical standpoint. Math in class 213 made perfect sense and when I looked at math from a logical standpoint along with problem solving techniques I discover it is much easier. Common sense goes a long way when dealing with math problems. I also learned that you will need and use math everyday of your life for the rest of your life. Depending on what you do professionally will determine what form of math you use on a regular basis but rest assured everyone on Gods green earth will use some form of math in their everyday life. Taking this math course made me think about becoming a math teacher. Without math, you cannot check your pay stub to make sure your employer is paying you correctly, pulling out the correct amount for deductibles or that you aren’t paying in to much for insurance or anything else. Without math, you will not be able to budget your income and expenses for the week or the month. Without math, you will have Math is important for our future and it is an important aspect in most jobs. Warehouse workers many times have to take and pass a math test before being hired for job positions. Mechanics use math everyday whether they are pricing parts and adjusting bills or figuring out exact calculations in order to do a job correctly. Construction workers use math to make calculations before beginning and during construction. I have not worked in or heard of a job yet that didn’t involve math at some point even if you work at McDonald’s you have to know math to count the money and give the corrected change. Most often, we use basic math skills without even thinking about it. How sad it would be if we didn’t have those basic skills. Math skills are very important when planning for our financial future and during our everyday life. Without math, you wouldn’t be able to balance your checkbook or many other everyday tasks that are normally taken for granted.