Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Trial Can Be A Confusing And Frustrating Task - 960 Words

Reading The Trial can be a confusing and frustrating task but that is because it is supposed to be. Stories usually start out with an introduction and it slowly introduces you to characters, setting, and then the conflict. This was what was expected in the very beginning of opening Kafka because of the unawareness of how unconventional and thought provoking this author proved to be. This is an author that takes what you know from the world and twists it into dark dreams that emphasize truths behind our reality. He brings out what it is that we are too afraid to confront or to question. He brings into existence the thoughts that bring fear and anxiety into many lives. From the very beginning, we are thrown into a world of confusion with no explanations and we are left to question everything. Strange people including police declare K.’s arrest while he is in bed. However, they cannot tell K. what he is being arrested for. They cannot tell him who asked for his arrest or who orde red and processed it. All they can say is that he is under investigation. Of course, K. like anybody, thought it was a prank and laughed it off in the beginning, but soon after realized how serious his case was. While trying to get answers to all his questions, he was buried under more absurdities and complex meaningless dead ends. He could not find a logical way out and the search for answers consumed his life. In the end, we are even more baffled when K. gets killed for choosing to step away from theShow MoreRelatedThe Reason For The Existence Of Evil1181 Words   |  5 Pagesmajor perspectives: the Judaic/Christian family, Augustine’s free will theory, â€Å"soul-making theodicy,† and eschatological perspective. All of these theories have valid points and flaws in their writing. I hope to compare and contrast them, so that I can better undertand. First, there is the perspective of Judaism and Christianity. 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