Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Role And Teachings Of The Dalai Lama Philosophy Essay

The Role And Teachings Of The Dalai Lama Philosophy Essay It is up to every one of us to utilize our chance to help make a more joyful world1. The sign of the 21st century grasped upon a human advancement defiled with ravenousness for power. It started a general public that discussions, strolls, and inhales want for power, and to accomplish this longing it will go to any cost. It couldn't care less what number of blameless individuals bite the dust or what number of individuals become destitute, all it thinks about is being on top and enduring. Brutality is in each corner, in each road, in each square, and practically in each nation. To live, individuals are happy to murder their neighbors, pretty much their own blood. Viciousness has immersed all of what is in presence today. It has become a wellspring of intensity, a wellspring of want, mankinds goal. Despite the fact that, dominant part of humankind might be undermined, there still untruth the individuals who accept and have confidence in harmony. A conviction that one day this yearn for force will lie behind us and the future will direct harmony and maintain a position of philanthropy (unselfishness). Among these devotees of expectation is His Holiness, Tenzin Gyatso. Tenzin Gyatso is one who tries to discover harmony even in the darkest of days. Tenzin Gyatso is the fourteenth Dalai Lama and an image for future trust in both Buddhism and his country, Tibet. He is perceived as the rebirth of Avalokiteshvara, a Buddha who has decided to be reawakened so as to illuminate others. The Dalai Lama grasps an authentic model of life: a model through explanation and magnanimity and not through power; a model which is neither unsafe not antagonistic to humankind. The Dalai Lama oversees without falling back on any methods for discipline: he uses weapons against nobody, managing respectably and peacefully with no contempt. The Dalai Lama lectures develop sympathies, and metta (generosity) for all creatures. A top to bottom investigation of the fourteenth Dalai Lama, Tenzin G yatso, and his methods of reasoning represent the through peacefulness one can accomplish internal harmony. Tenzin Gyatso, all the more officially perceived as the Dalai Lama, is the strict Buddhist pioneer of the nation Tibet. He is the fourteenth sign of the Bodhisattva of empathy, Avalokiteshvara. To Tibetans, this Dalai Lama is known by his title, Dalai meaning sea, and Klein, Leslie. Sprituality in a Materialistic World. AuthorHouse, 2008. Lama meaning Wisdom2. To himself, he is Tenzin Gyatso, a basic Buddhist priest no more no less3. His heavenliness was conceived on July sixth 1935 out of a little town Takster to a worker ranch group of sixteen. Takster is a town in the eastern Tibet territory Amdo. At 2 years old, Tenzin Gyatso was recognized as the rebirth of his antecedent, the thirteenth dalai Lama, turning into the fourteenth in line of the Dalai Lamas. Conceived as Lhamo Dhondrub, he was renamed rJe btsun jam dpal ngag dbang blo bzang ye shes bstan dzin rgya mtsho srid gsum dbang bsgyur mtshungs dad prescription paI sde bzang po4. The tulkus (resurrected lamas) crowning ordinance service happened on February 22, 1940 in Tibets capital, Lhasa. His training started at six years old. At 15 years old, on 17 November 1950, he was delegated the title of Dalai Lama, turning out to be Tibets most significant otherworldly and political pioneer. At 24 years old, he was assessed at the religious colleges of Drepung, Sera and Ganden. In Monlam Festival Prayer, Tenzin Gyatso took his last evaluation at Jokhang where he was inspected on the 3 subjects: rationale, Middle Path, and the ordinance of religious order. At 25 years old he completed the Geshe Lharampa Degree, the Doctorate of Buddhist Philosophy. In 1989, the Dalai Lama got the Noble harmony prize2. To comprehend Dalai Lamas proclaiming of peacefulness, initial one must fathom peacefulness. Peacefulness is perhaps the most noteworthy goodness that ought to be acknowledged by everybody, regardless of in the event that they argue to Buddhism or not. Peacefulness intends to shun horrendous activities. One ought not murder another living being. One ought not hurt another living being. One ought not torment another living being. One ought not ahimsa (hurt) another being. This is peacefulness. As per the Dalai Lama, savagery isn't the key, it isn't the response to anything. 2 Mullin, Glenn H., and Valerie M. Shepherd. The Fourteen Dalai Lamas: a Sacred Legacy of Reincarnation. Santa Clause Fe, NM: Clear Light, 2001 3 Mehrotra, Rajiv. In My Own Words: an Introduction to My Teachings and Philosophy. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2008. 4 Mehrotra, Rajiv. Understanding the Dalai Lama. Carlsbad, CA: Hay House, 2008. We have two choices. In the first place, peacefulness. Second, savagery that is self destruction. We need to live with the Chinese next to each other. It is extremely fundamental to convey this development of peacefulness, with the goal that later, we can live cheerfully. In the event that we embrace brutality on the Chinese, at that point Tibetans will likewise endure. Some constructive result many Chinese got thoughtful of Tibetan individuals. They came to me communicated. Peacefulness is the best method5. Savagery can't be overwhelmed by more viciousness. By reacting to savagery, the outcome will be cataclysmic. Unexpectedly, by staying away from savagery one can dare to dream to decrease others viciousness. An extraordinary case of this is the country of the Dalai Lama, Tibet. In 1950, the destruction of Tibet started with the Chinese armed force of the Peoples Republic. In 1951, the Chinese government attempted to take rule over Tibet from the Dalai Lama through the seventeen-point understanding. In 1959, there was an uprising against the Chinese military; when that bombed the Dalai Lama was power to escape to India. In 1959, his Holiness discredited in Dharamsala, North India where he set up an administration in-exile2. The Chinese caught and detained guileless residents and protestors, obliterating the Tibetan culture. The Dalai Lama didn't discredit to foul words, he didn't criticize the Chinese. Rather than retaliating, the Dalai Lama lectures that one ought to contemplate and c onsider what they may have done on their past life that they are being tormented at this point. He assists individuals with getting that on the off chance that one reactions by causing enduring among another, they are not adding to a solidarity in their inward world nor to the outer world. The lives they live are good for nothing on the off chance that it doesn't add to anything. By causing enduring they cause themselves all the more anguish, for in their next birth they will renewed into a more regrettable life. The existence one lives depends on the karma, activity, of one in the past life. In this way, instead of dedicating oneself to hurt the Dalai Lama lectures Tibetans to avoid furnished battle and gather great karma to accomplish internal harmony. On the off chance that everybody receives and learns the ethics of internal harmony, no longer will there be individuals in this world who will cause ahimsa. No longer will there be savagery. As a notable profound pioneer and political ruler, the Dalai Lamas as a matter of first importance 5 McLennan, Scotty. The Heart of Nonviolence: A Conversation with the Dalai Lama. Web. 1 Aug. 2010.. commitment is to ensure his kin and country. The Dalai Lama has never stopped his kin from utilizing viciousness on account of Buddhist ethics, but since, peacefulness is for us the main way. Patently, for our situation viciousness would be commensurate to self destruction 6. Some may believe that by not battling he brings upon torment to his kin, yet the underlying reason behind the Dalai Lama is to assist his with peopling to learn and to create. By not retaliating he attempts to show individuals that great doesn't come through war and carnage, by declining to battle over the long haul we secure a superior future. At this moment we should endure, however the seeds to our enduring will grow a spotless planet. The Dalai Lama is an icon to mankind, an advocator of peacefulness. Thos who do burden hurt, the adversaries, are only a trial of time. With time and persistence, as one gathers great karma, the introduction of friendship will occur, and brutality will vanquish. The adversary shows you internal quality. Your psyche commonly is exceptionally delicate, yet when you experience difficulties, your brain gets solid 7. Foes are the trial of time, for when one is encircled by adversaries one needs to make significant decisions. These decisions characterize the internal identity. In the event that one can cease from savagery and defeat sinister considerations and remain on the correct way, one can accomplish inward harmony. Accordingly, through the procedure of peacefulness one accomplishes inward harmony. At the point when one is at inward harmony with themselves in the midst of fight they settle on right choices and decline to battle, eventually causing external harmony. The Dalai Lamas accepts peacefulness is associated with the free comprehension of people. The free comprehension of people is eventually a way prompting mental friendship. In this way, peacefulness begins inward harmony. His Holiness, the14th Dalai Lama, accepts to leave inward harmony one must create metta, (love, graciousness and compassion)7. At the point when we are peaceful and decline to battle we accomplish metta in our souls. When there is brutality there is outrage, scorn, 6 Bstan-Úâ ¼dzin-rgya-mtsho, and SãÅ"⠁aãÅ"„ntideva. A Flash of Lightning in the Dark of Night: a Guide to the Bodhisattvas Way of Life. Boston: Shambhala, 1994. 7 Piburn, Sidney. The Dalai Lama, a Policy of Kindness: an Anthology of Writings by and about the Dalai Lama. Ithaca, N.Y., USA: Snow Lion Publications, 1990. what's more, connection, yet when there is no savagery one is quiet, and peaceful. With the sources of viciousness comes want and ravenousness, in the long run prompting mental turmoil. At the point when we are thoughtful and empathetic to others it causes others to feel adored, and it encourages us create inward satisfaction. In one of his meetings, the Dalai Lama states: On the off chance that you offer approach to outrage, scorn, you get lost. No reasonable individual needs to free oneself. Expectation and assurance will bring upon a more promising time to come so as to create human assurance you need trust. Also, to create trust you need sympathy, love. Love and sympathy are the premise of expectation and determination8. On the off chance that one surrenders to outrage and disdain the

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The forces of evil and the supernatural are dominant in the play Macbeth free essay sample

No ifs, ands or buts, There are numerous powers of shrewdness and the heavenly to be found in the grievous play Macbeth. Clearly these powers are prevailing in the play as they assume a fundamental job in the plot and they show up ceaselessly all through the play, yet they don't rule the play, as great prevails upon fiendish at long last. These powers can be viewed as characters, as specters, as activities and furthermore in the language of the play. The most impressive and manipulative power of shrewdness originates from the extraordinary characters of the â€Å"weird sisters† or the three witches. Promptly in the initial scene we are acquainted with them. Obviously they will assume a significant job in the play. They talk in enigmas â€Å"fair is foul and foul is fair†¦Ã¢â‚¬  and they cast a dismal tone over the whole play. The emotional opening with lightning storm underscores their malicious nature. The witches are the exemplification of unadulterated motiveless insidiousness. They are quickly connected with the most noticeably awful malevolence of all, the fiend, by Banquo, â€Å"what! Will the villain talk valid? † The witches are indispensable to the play since they are the ones who fed the flames of Macbeth’s desire, without them there would be no play, as Macbeth could never have submitted regicide without their impact. Macbeth is promptly connected with the witches in his first line, which echoes the witches line, â€Å"so foul and reasonable a day I have not seen. † The witches’ power is solid, they can control the climate freely and it has even been recommended that they can fly, â€Å"hover through the mist and smudged airâ€Å", yet they are angry and vindictive creatures. After one of the witches was offended by a lady, she reviled the woman’s spouse â€Å"he will live a man prohibit. † The high witch, Hecate, is a horrible power of underhandedness. This is underlined by her numerous references to heck, â€Å"at the pit of Acheron meet me. † The witches are significant in the play since they control Macbeth and flash malice thoughts in his psyche, â€Å"shall attract him on to his confusion† and they bait him into a misguided feeling that all is well and good. They tempt and lure him into submitting misleading deeds, for example, the homicide of Duncan. There is no doubt as far as I can say that their heavenly powers and power of insidiousness are predominant in the play as they can be felt all through the entire play. The powers of insidiousness additionally show themselves as specters. The two most emotional scenes of the play are, as I would see it, the meal scene and the knife scene. In both of these scenes, the heavenly is clear as Macbeth is fantasizing. The blade scene is a scene of convincing show and it is critical to the play since it is here where we see Macbeth’s internal good clash. We increase an understanding into his ethics and his mental state. The nearness of the witches can be felt again in this scene since we are uncertain whether it is basically â€Å"a knife of the psyche, a bogus creation continuing from the warmth abused brain† or if the blade was invoked by the witches to prod Macbeth into slaughtering Duncan. The emotional impact of the scene is incredible; Macbeth’s disposition of eager frightfulness and his ethical quandary is passed on strikingly by this grisly vision. In the feast scene, Macbeth sees Banquo’s phantom. It is an awful, awful picture that startles Macbeth, â€Å"never shake thy gorey locks at me. † This is an extremely sensational and otherworldly scene. Macbeth is near the very edge of a psychological breakdown. In this scene we see great testing insidious, I. e. Banquo’s phantom going up against Macbeth. This scene is likewise connected with the witches as Macbeth chooses to go to them for direction after he sees Banquo’s apparition. This is more proof that the powers of wickedness are predominant in the play, they are continually drifting out of sight in any event, when we don't see them. Their quality can generally be felt. In Elizabethan occasions, individuals accepted that the ruler was delegated by god himself to be his agent on earth. To execute a lord was a â€Å"most blasphemous murder† and in the wake of the homicide of Duncan, the sky themselves were upset by such an underhanded wrongdoing and the world began to slide into turmoil. The characteristic world started to act in a crazed, unnatural and confused way. We gain from an elderly person that the evening of Duncan’s murder the earth shook, the climate got blustery, and â€Å"strange shouts of death† filled the air. The shrewd deed was monstrous to such an extent that Scotland not, at this point got light, â€Å"by the clock ‘tis day but dull night chokes the voyaging lamp†. He portrays the condition of nature, â€Å"’tis unnatural†. Creatures begin to act in mind blowing habits, a mousing owl sold a hawk, and Duncan’s ponies betrayed one another. â€Å"’Tis said they eat one another. † different rulers introduced in the play are viewed as sacred and ardent â€Å"sundry favors hang about his seat. † The rulers are â€Å"full of grace† and Duncan’s body is a despoiled tomb, â€Å"murder hath broke ope the lord’s blessed sanctuary and took thereupon the life o’ th’ building. † As a glaring difference to these depictions Macbeth is portrayed as a shocking, despot ruler. He doesn’t care about executing â€Å"from this second, the very firstlings of my heart will be the firstlings of my hand†. Scotland is turning into a position of malevolence and fear under Macbeth’s rule, â€Å"each new morn new widows yell, new vagrants cry. † Macbeth mercilessly kills the guiltless group of Macduff for definitely no explanation, and I think this is a key case of how malevolence is predominant in the play, however it is prevailing inside the character of Macbeth aswell. Another scene that shows how malevolence commands the play is the entertainment scene with the watchman. Macbeth is viewed as an abhorrent power for most of the play, he has condemned his spirit to heck, â€Å"and mine endless gem given to the shared adversary of man. † Macbeth’s mansion becomes like a terrible, and the watchman portrays himself as doorman of â€Å"hell-gate† and makes numerous references to the fallen angel, â€Å"Beelzebub†, â€Å"devil’s name†, â€Å"devil porter†. These references to the wellspring of all shrewd, the fallen angel, truly show how the powers of underhandedness are predominant in this play. Plainly the extraordinary and the powers of malevolence are predominant in the play, yet as I have said previously, they don't command the play. There are a few instances of the decency of mankind in the play. Toward the start, Macbeth was not malevolent. He was an idealistic, valiant and respectable warrior. He had empathy for other people, and lady Macbeth even expected that he was â€Å"too full o’ the milk of human generosity to get the closest way. † Macbeth initially would not like to murder Duncan, â€Å"if chance will make them ruler, why, chance may crown me, without my mix. † Also Macduff and Malcolm are both exceptionally ethical characters, and they stay great all through the play. It is Macduff who in the end kills Macbeth and thrashings detestable. Ruler Duncan and King Edward are related with paradise and King Edward has a â€Å"heavenly endowment of prophecy† which stands out from how Macbeth sees the future through â€Å"the most exceedingly terrible means†, â€Å"the instruments of haziness . † it is implied all through the play that Malcolm has the entirety of the ethics to be an incredible ruler, however his seat was usurped by Macbeth. Banquo is a figure of good all through the play aswell. Despite the fact that the witches disclosed to him that he would father lords, he didn't stay upon these contemplations, in contrast to Macbeth, and he understood that the witches were detestable and attempted to caution Macbeth about them, â€Å"oftentimes, to win us to ourâ harm, the instruments of obscurity reveal to us realities, win us with legitimate wastes of time, to betray’s in most profound outcome. † At the finish of the play, we feel compassion toward Macbeth. He is the grievous legend of the play so at last he is acceptable. He was driven by â€Å"vaulting ambition†, controlled, and energized by the powers of fiendishness around him. All in all, I imagine that the powers of shrewdness and the extraordinary are definatly prevailing in the play in light of the fact that without them we would have no play. They make up the vast majority of the scenes in the play, and their quality can be felt in pretty much every scene. There are such huge numbers of instances of underhandedness in the play and the heavenly assumes an extremely significant job, from the witches who spur Macbeth and allure him into getting shrewd, to the fantasies that torment Macbeths mind. I don't accept that, despite the fact that most of the play is based on malicious and the extraordinary, these powers rule the play. Some great can at present be seen in Macbeth’s character, and he makes up for himself somewhat toward the finish of the play. Likewise there are those characters who stayed great, and who battled to cut down the despot Macbeth.

Friday, August 21, 2020

What to Write For College Essay - How to Compare Your College Essay With Your Writing

What to Write For College Essay - How to Compare Your College Essay With Your WritingWhat to write for college essay? When writing an essay it is wise to take a fresh look at your topic. There are many different things that students are required to put in their essay as they will be required to cite their sources. A good idea would be to compare the topic of your college essay with what you have already written.You can begin by looking at your topic. What have you already written about in your college work? What do your parents say about the topic? Do you have other family members or friends who have written about the topic? This is very important because it will help you to see the similarities and differences between your current essay topic and the topic you were previously writing about.At this point you will want to determine if you're going to be writing a research-based essay or an analytical essay. The former will involve using examples and research while the latter is writte n using information from your observations and everyday life. This will greatly affect what type of topic to write for college essay.The first step is to write a research-based essay. As stated above, when writing this type of essay you are going to need to use examples and research the topic. In order to achieve this you will need to take note of the topics that you write about and identify what you personally find interesting about them.Think about the different areas where you have researched. If the subject matter is very popular, then write about it. As you write, you are going to need to be careful that you are not just referencing the popular topic; rather that you include aspects of the topic that make it interesting. When writing a research-based essay, it is important to include your own thoughts and opinions on the topic.The second step is to look at your topic and analyze it. Determine what makes it interesting to you. Write down your thoughts and ideas about the topic. At this point you should also determine if you are going to write an analytical essay or a research-based essay.By now you should have a good idea of what to write for college essay, which may be called the perfect question. The perfect question can be answered best by asking yourself these questions. You can also find the answers in a reference book and use it as a guide.Finally, you will want to write your essay in a style that you feel comfortable with. Your school, and even your instructor will most likely prefer the more formal format. Your final goal is to get it accepted by your college.

Monday, May 25, 2020

The Policy Analysis, The Design And Implementation Of...

The policy analysis, The Design and Implementation of Policies to Protect Low-Income Households under a Carbon Tax, discusses the possible implementation and ramifications of a climate rebate as a part of carbon tax legislation. More specifically, how this rebate would safeguard low- and moderate-income families or individuals from a reduction in disposable income they would incur from larger energy charges due to a carbon tax. It is recommended that a three-pronged delivery mechanism be applied through the usage of existing systems where they can deliver payments to many of the low-income households. This delivery mechanism would require: 1) a refundable tax credit for those filing federal tax returns; 2) rebates to federal recipients such as lower-income seniors and those that rely on Social Security and other aids; 3) and rebates though state human services agencies (Stone, 2015). This analysis was well written and has promise. The author is credible and the structure of the report was well drafted. The analysis contained meaningful sources as well as data to back up implications. Overall the report did well in presenting reliable information about the issue (carbon tax) and possible solutions such as a climate rebate. This issue brief was written by Dr. Chad Stone, the chief Economist at the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. There he is a specialist in the study of budgets and policy issues and ha s been a part of different Congressional Committees throughoutShow MoreRelatedRichman644 Words   |  3 PagesIMPLEMENTATION ANALYSIS The full policy process is often described by the following steps: 1) problem definition 2) alternative generation 3) analysis of alternatives 4) policy adoption 5) policy implementation 6) policy evaluation While this course has focused on the first three steps, the last three steps are equally important. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Is Bipolar Disorder. - 1101 Words

What is Bipolar disorder? Bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depression, is a mental disorder. This condition primarily affects your mood and can cause extreme mood swings from elation to depression. Individuals with bipolar disorder can experience serious changes in thinking, energy and behaviour. If you have bipolar disorder you are likely to experience what are referred to as ‘episodes’ or states. The different types of episodes are; †¢ Mania – feeling extremely happiness or euphoria (high) †¢ Depressive episodes, also known as dysthymia (low) †¢ Psychotic states can also be observed with people with bipolar disorder during manic or depressive†¦show more content†¦This type presents itself with serious mood changes from mania and depression. These episodes can last days, weeks or months depending on the individual and how severe their episodes are. †¢ Bipolar 2 disorder – This is a milder form of bipolar disorder. The person still experiences mania and depressive episodes but they are not as extreme as bipolar 1. †¢ Cyclothymic disorder – This type describes a type of bipolar disorder that the person still experiences mania and depression, however, the episodes are short lasting and not as extensive. Diagnosis If you experience any of signs and symptoms above and believe you may have bipolar disorder you need to make an appointment with your GP. To help your doctor make a diagnosis they may ask the following; †¢ What symptoms are you experiencing? †¢ How long do your episodes last? †¢ How the symptoms affect your daily life? The doctor may perform some tests to rule out physical causes for your symptoms i.e. check your thyroid which can sometimes cause mania-like symptoms. If your doctor believes you to have bipolar disorder they will refer you to a mental health professional such as a psychiatrist, this mental health professional is the only person who can officially diagnose you with the disorder. If you intend to hurt yourself or others they will make this appointment immediately. If youShow MoreRelatedWhat Is Bipolar Disorder?1546 Words   |  7 PagesWhat Is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that causes uncommon shifts in mood, energy, ability to perform daily routines and another terminology is â€Å"manic-depressive illness†. According to American Psychiatric Association â€Å"Bipolar diagnosed patients can lead full and productive lives†. This isn’t by any means harmful or threatening but can be well managed, controlled and yield positives because it can be treated. How Can Bipolar Behavior Be Recognized? 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Where we know the individual diagnosed with the disorder is usually happy, sad, irritated, and depressed all in a short period of time. Often times when typically functioning people cringe at the idea of having the mental illness. For myself, I would have to honestly state that I was once one ofRead MoreWhat Bipolar I Disorder ( Bd )1529 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction When people are asked what bipolar I disorder (BD) is, responses often include, â€Å"Sometimes they’re really normal and then they get super mad,† â€Å"drastic mood swings,† â€Å"they’re psychotic,† â€Å"one can be very happy and excited but can also experience depression,† and the list is endless. Often, individuals who suffer with BD are stigmatized and discriminated. The following piece is part of a poem called â€Å"You and Me† written by Debbie Sesula, â€Å"...If you get angry /You’re considered upset/Read MoreWhat Is Bipolar 2, Well First Of Its A Disorder?969 Words   |  4 PagesWhat is Bipolar 2...well first of its a disorder. A mental illness that effects everyone, yes more woman then men, and is world wide. Recently has been know to be heredity in the genes. A form of mental illness that has very few manic episodes and majority down, depressed episodes. Since with people with bipolar 2 never reach the full maniac stage. Yes these are the mood swings up and down, like the brain has a switch and just turns off the high and lows. The person doesn t feel in controlRead MoreUnderstanding Bipolar Disorder and Evaluating the Possible Causes and Treatments1261 Words   |  6 Pagesevery single detail of life is good. In order to understand what it is like to have your emotions throws around like they are in a hurricane, you must first understand what it is to be bipolar. If a person would like to better understand bipolar disorder, he would have to look at the life of a patient with the disorder, and understand the definition, causes, symptoms, and treatments for the disorder. Understanding exactly what bipolar disorder is can be difficult, but it is best described as a mentalRead MoreBipolar Disorder : Symptoms And Treatment854 Words   |  4 Pagesmedical condition known as bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is when a person suffers from severe shifts in mood and energy. In most cases, bipolar disorder can be treated and people with the illness can live normal and productive lives with the help of medication and or therapy. Aiken, C. (2010). Family Experiences of Bipolar Disorder: The Ups, the Downs and the Bits in Between. Retrieved from Ebsco Host. In this book the author discusses her own dealings with Bipolar Disorder. She goes on to say howRead MoreDo People Living With Bipolar Disorder Need Medication?1154 Words   |  5 Pagesliving with bipolar disorder need medication People living with bipolar disorder need medication to help them function at their full potential. Some people feel that people living with bipolar disorder do not need to be medicated to live a healthy fulfilling life. However to say this first a person must know what bipolar disorder is and how a person is affected by the disorder. According to Rachal Pollock PHD bipolar is described as a common recurrent, often lifelong major psychiatric disorder characterized

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Principles of Marketing in Relation

Questions: 1: Understanding the Concepts and process of Marketing2: Concepts of Segmentation and target positioning3: Elements of extended marketing mix4: Marketing Mix Answers: Introduction The report would evaluate the principles of marketing in relation to the various phenomenon of market as elements of marketing. The way business creates differentiation, adds more market share and thus revenue is a strategic marketing tool for business to flourish. Thus it can be said that marketing is the process of identifying, anticipating and delivering the consumers with satisfaction profitably. Thus segmentation, target audience, competitiveness of a business is critically analyzed here to formulate the future needs of business in accordance. 1: Understanding the Concepts and process of Marketing 1.1. Various elements of marketing process The elements of marketing are many of which increasing profits and market share while reducing the cost is the target of the process giving the marketing the needed spin to deliver. Chang (2009) suggests that at the center of the marketing is the product and based on the product attributes, value, demand, use etc the price and market for sales is chosen. The process is thus the orderly steps formulated for each market keeping in view the market needs. Thus the processes in market is a full cycle of demand interpretation, delivery to the consumers at the right price and time which is perceived in value and price as a superior product to its alternatives for a consumer, is the process objective in marketing. Nevertheless, the process needs to be such that it build the value for the target market. 1.2. Cost benefit orientation for specific organization The cost or investments that is invested and on the investments made the benefits that the businesses gains are the cost benefit for it. Kahn (2005) argues that the cost benefits for a business have two purpose, one to determine the investments feasibility and the second is to give a basis or benchmark to analyze the projects. Thus for a business prior to a project development the analysis forms the key for all revenue and costs that can be generated out of the project, showing its feasibility to let the management take a decision to peruse it. Further, Rouwendal (2012) adds that the cost benefit analysis is the tool for management to decide upon the feasibility of a project and whether the project needs changes. Therefore, (Roy and Berger, 2005) argues that the analysis for the social benefit that the project is incurring is the social benefits like ease of transport or savings due to the investment is also considered in the analysis. The marketing exposure received out of the chang ed marketing impetus and thrust which concerns the segment, target, position and value proposition. The Diesel Logo Source is the chosen organization which has invested nearly 1.3 Billion Euro in 2009 with 2200 employees with 5500 outlets as on 2012 (O'Connor, 2013). The customer focus for the business has made them to understand the consumers demands and thus develop products likewise. The sales and distribution is been built upon this unique criteria of preference of consumers but the consumers taste is something that keeps changing in the fast fashion. The processes are thus modified to match the strategic approach of the business. Nevertheless, this change also showed itself on the IT media as the prime source of advertisements. These changes have suitably changed the sales of the brand and its communication efforts. Thus the orientation is more based on the consumers choice over the previous objectives of money earning. Hence the process flow is now more consumers oriented and with changing fashion it is changing fast to accommodate the fresh fashion trends to be available in the market. 2: Concepts of Segmentation and target positioning 2.1. Micro and Macro environmental factors influencing decision making Micro and macro environment are the market decision making actors that have influence on business performance. The micro environment is the internal factors close to business those have direct impact on strategy. The employees, stakeholders, inter business communication and involvement in business decision making is the key to the micro environment of the business. The stakeholders would include employees, suppliers, investors and the people near the business or the society as a whole. The micro environmental factors, especially in the stakeholders case, the vision of the stakeholders are taken into consideration to evolve the processes that includes their point of view and see that the voice of all associated gets a place in policy and strategic formulations. The consumers are key as the marketing that the business performs would be directed towards the development and growth of consumers. Their need of fresh fashion is one while the investors would need sustained business with long term profits and from the employees view a healthy work place environment is the key to effective organizational processes formulation. The macro analysis is the analysis of the overall business environment that is operation in the midst of economic, political, social, cultural, legal, environmental etc issues also can be observed in the PESTLE analysis. These factors have direct impact upon the consumer demands and market dynamics. The macro analysis provides the strategic route for future developments (Szyliowicz et al. 2004). Political: The political environment in which the business is performing may have effects like instability, paramount fear of businesses being taken over by the state (Eg. China). The formulations of strategies are derived to plan the market entry, existence and exit plan depending upon the political situation of the business. The investments are to be done in a market that is politically stable and economically sustainable. Economic: The economic factors implies the exchange rates, the payments for employment in those economies all contributes to the external environment development for pricing, costing and even the entry and exit for a business to stay relevant in various economies. The cost of production and sales are dependent on the economy thus the business needs to suitably arrange its Supply chain, positioning, and product offerings in accordance to the economy that the business is operating in. Social: The taste of people or the way they perceives the business is the social perspective. The trait social factors have on business is paramount considering the changing perception towards the environment friendly processes and ethics in practice. Further social media have made the social aspect of business an important factor for business strategy. The socially acceptable message selection, positioning, advertising etc studies a lot of the social clots before implementation to make them acceptable by the society. Technological: The technology is the most important factor for difference creation between two similar businesses where the cost affectivity of production process decides the price that consumers needs to pay as well as gives an assured quality. This bulk assurance of quality and quantity is what had been achieved with a good mix of people and technology. Further the social medias effect on employees voice and idea circulation is huge. These also have given the technology based personalized services giving a macro over haul of the business operations. Diesel have used its technology factor to build and create a largest market while also enables a more faster production, finish and thus with the use of efficient technology the price of options can be further reduced and further improved with the efficient use of technologies. Environmental: The environmental effects of the business process are key to a good identity building where the participative business processes gives an impression on the users about what all benefits or harm the business is doing to the environment it is working on. Legal: The laws those manage and control the business is the legal aspect of the PESTLE. The legal framework varies from one nation to another. Based on the laws of operations those are existent the legal factor effects the tax, regulation binds the mandatory to work for a business in a market. Thus with change of these factors the business needs to reframe its strategic operational and business objectives likewise in the market that it is operation, for its survival. 2.2. Segmentation criteria for products in different market Segmentation of the market is based upon various demographic factors in the market as economy, taste, culture, age, gender, location etc. Based upon consumer demography the market segmentation is decided by a business for itself (Harris and Bray, 2007). The business thus creates their market communication as well as product in accordance to the market specification. (Bernhardt and Mackenzie, 1968) argues that for a proper segmentation the business needs to incorporate measurable, substantial, accessible, differentiable and actionable principles of market segmentation. Measuring in terms of sales volume and size of the market gives the business an idea of where to focus and how much to focus on a specific market based on these measurable quantities. The substantial segmentation have to be a homogeneous group of people with equal buying power and taste to be a valid market for the business else the size wont be able to explain the expenditure. The group of people in the market needs to be differentiated in accordance to buying behavior, spending capacity etc so that viable differentiation strategy can be formed to campaign in that market can be implemented without an overlap. The access to the market and people in terms of viability needs to be there (Azadi and Rahimzadeh, 2012). Nevertheless, the practical value of the market or its characteristics needs to be acted upon with product information that suites their needs. 2.3. Targeting strategy The target strategy would suggest the way the business wish to build its competence among the target audience. This has two different ways of targeting an audience as differentiated and undifferentiated (Burgess and Zerbe, 2011). The product dose a mass marketing with no differentiation where the entire market is the target audience. Ginter et al. (1992) suggests that broadcasting as well as persuasion are the two significant sales strategy used in this marketing strategy. The target market is differentiated upon their purchasing power, taste, need, etc. This target audience is thus communicated via those media which is common for the group. The group is the target and the business may offer the price or packaging or offer based upon this target market (Hahn, 2010). Further the business may also differentiate via price which again is niche marketing strategy where the business is differentiated on price to its substitutes in the same market. 2.4. Buyers behavior affects marketing activities in different buy Marketing aims to create consumer satisfaction by fulfilling their needs and wants to maintain the loyalty of the consumer towards the product. However, Sanchez (1999) argues that the behavior of a consumer during the purchase decision making process is dependent on six stages that builds the decision. The need for the product or problem recognition is the first part followed by information search which can be going back to memory seeking advice about the products or from commercials. Evaluation of alternatives is the next step where the consumer relates alternatives in the market with the product to assume the viability or benchmark each of them in accordance to their own taste and preference. Therefore, the consumer purchases where the actual business to consumer transaction happens while the post purchase experience gives the idea of the product value while using the product. This suggests that the information and post purchase experience are the two key elements of consumers purc hase decision making. However, the push sales may be such that the consumer would try a product without its need or information but based on persuasion (Noori, 2015). 2.5. New positioning for selected services and products The example of Nokia is taken which previously had a bulk of 46% of the global market share. But the advent of android apps in Smartphone made the accelerated market positioning reducing the Nokias market share. However, Nokia came with alternate viability strategies by associating itself with Microsoft to develop the new MSOffice platform for future smart phones. These additions of the technology have made Nokia a viable competitor in the mobile phone market which it had previously lost. This new positioning is in the smart phone segment have made the consumers look for Nokia phones again which was previously wiped out of the competitive smart phone market. 3: Elements of extended marketing mix 3.1. Product development for sustained marketing mix The market sustainability is developed by creating the marketing mix which suites the business over its competitors and helps the cause of long term viability in the same. Thus the competitive as well as cost advantage is the two distinct features as proposed by Michel Porter. This enables not only to create superior value but also sustained market viability for itself (Sheth and Sharma, 2001). In the marketing mix the price, product, packaging and place are considered where the each individual element creates the desired consumer convenience. The pricing has to e such that the perceived value is higher than the alternatives while the packaging has to assist the product handling and needed product information for the consumers. The promotion enables to enhance the product knowledge among the people with needed or desired information to create the purchase decision. The distribution needs to play a vital role as the product which is not available in the market looses the chance to be picked up. For an example if Pepsi beverage is not available for the people to consume the promotion cost is not well utilized as the chance of sales is significantly challenged by the unavailability, creating loss of sales. 3.2. Distribution for customer convenience Distribution represents the market penetration that the business could achieve for its product. This applies to all products which are available in the market with an accurate distribution strategy. The promotion, packaging and price elements wont be of any effect if the required goods are not available for a consumer at a certain market (Sonderegges, 2011). Again, the distribution needs to be even and easily accessible for people enhancing sales while the product evenly balances the demands with supply. However, over supply may reduce price or let the product occupy shelf space for long creating negative impacts. 3.3. Pricing to reflect market conditions and organizational objectives Pricing generally considers the product manufacturing and distribution cost while pricing. However, the long term sales objective has to consider the market conditions while pricing or develop a value based pricing. The long term viability for the business is in pricing the product in accordance to the market conditions and competitive structures so that the price enhance the value for itself in consumers perception. The worth and the price are thus equated for long term viability in the market which is reflected in the pricing strategy. 3.4. Promotional activity integrated to achieve marketing objectives Promotion is a key element in marketing as discussed above. The purchase decision making process needs the product information to achieve marketing objectives. The promotion aims to convey product mix like price, availability along with product information about how it can meet the consumers needs. Raychaudhuri (2014) explains that the promotion is the communication between the producer and consumer of the product. The promotion thus integrates advertisements, promotional campaigns like discount, offers to promote the product among the target market to enhance consumer demands, reach out more among people. 4: Marketing Mix 4.1. Marketing Mix for two different segment in consumer market The two different segments of consumers can be bunched as rural and urban consumer segment based upon their location and accessibility, for the case. Considering the rural population is the one with lesser media options and sparkly populated compared to the heavy density distribution aspect of business sees changes too. Product: The rural market is considered to have lesser technical knowledge compared to the urban counterparts. Thus the technically superior products like Smartphone technology or five start hotel is concentrated in the urban segment and is designed for the urban crowd. Nevertheless, the switching of people from one product to another as the scope is their so the product is designed to gain consumer loyalty in urban areas. Price: The pricing determines the segment that the product ventures to appeal. The higher cost of product is considered to be less competitive in rural segment due to the power of spending the two segments possesses. Thus the pricing for the urban products would consider the pricing such that it is competitive in the urban areas. However, for consumer products the pricing is kept equal for all the market as its do not concentrate on segmentation but on mass sales. Product distribution: From the distribution side the distribution is supported by the logistics and warehouses concentrated all across the market. The more the concentration the better the logistics supply. The rural areas would mean a robust business set up to distribute the product while the urban in the modern day are reaching for e-retails. Through this distribution the business to consumer sales is generated in the urban areas which have lesser significance in the rural lands. Promotion: The use of internet media for promotion has changes the way urban and rural segments sees the product promotion. The social media had added the advantage of the product information in the media at a cost effective manner which is rather a bigger ploy to generate revenue in the rural areas. The campaigns need massive cost for the rural population than in Urban space as the density makes the advertisements more frequent for urban areas to rural areas. 4.2. Difference in marketing for business sales over consumer sales The business sales made to a business is called the B2B sales which stand for business to business sales while made to consumer would mean B2C or business to consumer sales. The sales made to business houses would mean that the business sales the product or service for another business process or unit which further utilize the service or product for its own use. The B2B sales of Cement to major infrastructure company are one aspect while selling cement to consumers for their own construction work is another. The volume, quality, price and distribution differs in B2B to its B2C counterpart. The relationship between the businesses matters in this case of marketing where the business goes for a long term deal with another business. 4.3. International Vs Domestic markets The business can vary in the international markets to its domestic counterparts due to various reasons. The political, legal, environmental, social and cultural difference along with economic disparity in the international markets makes a business develop certain traits those the domestic market may not demand (Islam, 2014). The viability of the business in the international front needs the business to adopt the local norms like religion, taste of people, local media for promotion, price that suites that market which would be varying in content and scope depending on the market they are targeted for. Logistics and distribution along with technology to suite the international venture is another aspect that needs the careful development of the business infrastructure in the foreign lands. List of references Azadi, S. and Rahimzadeh, E. (2012) Developing Marketing Strategy for Electronic Business by Using McCarthy's Four Marketing Mix Model and Porters Five Competitive Forces. Journals of Marketing, 2(2), 23 BERNHARDT, I. and MACKENZIE, K. (1968). MEASURING SELLER UNCONCENTRATION, SEGMENTATION AND PRODUCT DIFFERENTIATION. Economic Inquiry, 6(5), pp.395-403 Burgess, D. and Zerbe, R. (2011). Appropriate Discounting for Benefit-Cost Analysis. Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis, 2(2). Chang, Y. (2009). 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Sunday, April 12, 2020

On the Road free essay sample

An analysis of Jack Kerouacs novel On the Road. The paper discusses the core theme and purpose of Jack Kerouacs novel On the Road which was published in 1957. The novel is essentially about the authors trips to various parts of the country in search of wisdom and truth. This paper focuses on the actual purpose of the journey and finds out if the writer was finally able to reach his destination or not. The paper also discusses the Beat generation briefly and explains why it was difficult for people to understand the theme of the novel when it first appeared in 1950s. On the Road is one of the most widely read books that emerged out of the Beat generation of the 1950s. To understand On the Road better, it is important to delve deeper in the society and culture of the time when Americans were increasingly looking for an alternative lifestyle and in their quest for something unique and different, they experimented with everything that appeared wild and adventurous. We will write a custom essay sample on On the Road or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Jack Kerouac was one important beats icon and in his book, he has essentially talked about the journey that took him to different parts of the country. The author has not discussed this journey as simply a vacation trip; there is something intensely deep and meaningful in his travel chronicles. He was not precisely interested in visiting various parts of the country but his journey actually reflects a disturbed soul and mind looking for some stability in unpredictable and uncertain times.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Arg. essay essays

Arg. essay essays Governmental Funding of Scientific and Technological Advancement Modern medicines have more than doubled our life expectancies just in the last few years. It has enabled children to receive vaccinations against diseases that once ensured a vast majority of infant mortalities. Without research and development, science would not be nearly as advanced as it is today. We would not have the things we take for granted, nor would we realize the true power of knowledge. The government should fund the advancement of science and technology because it allows advancement in our nations communications, it increases productivity rates for various companies, and it allows us to understand areas in science such as cloning and in vitro fertilization. Some say that science gives man the ability to play God. They say that it has greatly increased the ability of men and women to kill each other. According to Richard Mott, they say that it is despoiling the natural world and that science is dangerous. it is apparent that science is both capable of killing and curing. How can we claim that science is giving man the ability to play God when were talking about the existence of a deity that many people do not even believe in? Theyre implying that science is violating a boundary. What boundary? Science does not kill; man does. We cannot blame science for flaws in human nature or deaths in war. The government makes sure that our country has the most advanced warfare that is considered legal. So why shouldnt the government fund the research and development that goes into those weapons? The proposition states that were irresponsible for meddling in areas that we know nothing of. The word society itself comes from socialization- the idea of interaction and communication. Telephones and email enable people on opposite sides of the world...

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Professional Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Professional Development - Essay Example Systems’ thinking is a management paradigm, an organizational analysis tool, and holistic institutional management paradigm. From this perspective, its use contributes to the informed shortcomings in the education system and designs strategies in overcoming these shortcomings. The component also investigates the relationship of systems thinking with education, and professional and institutional development. In conclusion, this approach has the potential to overcome the gap between teachers - student development. To understand K - 12 educators’ professional development literature, terms relevant to the topic must be understood. Speck and Knipe (2001) suggest that the 1980’s saw the emergence of professional development as a term preferred for its emphasis on teaching as a profession. However, Fenstermacher and Berliner (1985) assert that staff development was the buzzword for that decade, and appears more burdened with traditional notions of teacher growth plus one-time workshop, whereas professional development resonate more with the contemporary notions connecting teaching to the professionalism. Others continue to use the terms staff development and professional development interchangeably (Richardson, 2003). Professional development is defined in many ways. Guskey (2000) defines it as processes and activities to enhance educators’ professional knowledge, skills, and attitudes, thus improving students’ learning (p. 16). In his earlier work, Guskey (1986) defined staff development as student learning improvement, a systematic attempt to bring about changes among teachers’ practice, beliefs, attitude, and learning outcome among students (p. 5), and lately, he proposed that professional development involves intentionally designed and systematic efforts to effect change. Evans (2002) contends that lack of concept clarity and literatures impoverished

Friday, February 7, 2020

The Causality Relation between the Kazakhstan Stock Market and the US Dissertation

The Causality Relation between the Kazakhstan Stock Market and the US Dollar, the Euro and the Russian Ruble - Dissertation Example The relation between the Kazakhstan tenge and other currencies is examined by statistical time series analysis. The relationship of exchange rates over a specific period of time is studied based upon bivariate and multivariate variables. Currency has continuously evolved as the domestic and international vehicle for trade. This paper will define and discuss the history of the causality relation between the Kazakhstan Stock Market and the tenge, and the US Dollar, the Euro, and the Russian Ruble. The research includes a quantitative analysis by using several statistical methods to support the hypotheses. The sample data represents performance analysis from June 2000 to December 2012. Skilled trader George Soros earned one billion dollars in one day, trading currency on the Foreign Exchange market (XE Currency, 2013). Massive amounts of World trade are made possible through stock exchanges. Today, world trade systems have become high-tech, electronic passageways for intercontinental commerce. The Foreign Exchange market (FOREX) is as big as the World Wide Web. Averaging trillions of dollars in transactions each day, the FOREX operates 24 hours a day. However, the stock market did not become what it is today, overnight. Time, trial and error, and the demand for commerce have shaped the stock market exchange into what it is today. The stock exchange is the most crucial element of international trade. Stocks are like football teams, the true fans root for their favorites whether they win or lose. And when they lose, they don’t exchange them for better prospects, they go back to the play room drawing board. Some have argued tha

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

The turning point of historys great events Essay Example for Free

The turning point of historys great events Essay History is full of incidences which have altered its course. One such incident that has altered the course of present politics and possibly the course of international politics and international law is the horrendous act of terrorism of 9/11. In its wake the incident has left consequences that are still affecting the course of politics and international laws. United States actions against Iraq, Afghanistan and even its relation with the country of Western Europe have been affected in the aftermath of 9/11.   It seemed that United States identified Iraq as a potential threat to its policies in the Middle East and promoter of terrorism and despite UN resollution chose to go it alone and used a new doctrine of pre-emptive attack to what it saw as a potential threat from weapons of mass destruction (WMD) stockpiled by Iraq. Unfortunately no WMD were found in Iraq but the doctrine of pre-emptive strike will be cited by many governments to attack their weaker neighbors. Israel was the only country to have used this doctrine to attack Iraqi under construction nuclear power plant. The United Nations and United States had condemned Israel for this action. The War on Terrorism also created dilemmas for International law as United States refused to recognize Taliban [Borelli, 2005]   and Al-Qaeda suspects as Prisoners of War[1] (POW) and classified them as Illegal combatant[2] denying them status of both common criminal and POWs creating problems such as Guantanamo Bay, CIA interrogation Centers and legal status of prisoners.. This has created a problem for the International law[3] and also a precedent for many other countries to cite in defense of their own illegal activities. The racial profiling and early version of Patriot Act once again discriminated between different type of US citizens, authorizing illegal wire tapping and invasion of privacy of law abiding Arab Americans which made the people recall Japanese internment during the Second World War. The attack on the World Trade Center had won United States worldwide sympathy and this opportunity could have been used to strengthen international laws against terrorism. The US government actions have alienated many of our traditional allies in Europe. The world is still not free of terrorism and the coalition of willing formed in the wake of 9/11 has not yet achieved its objectives. The United States citizens and Congress which gave almost a unanimous support to war on terrorism and War in Iraq now find that they have been misled by the government and have said so with their votes in the Congressional elections. It seems that the incident of 9/11 which had won us worldwide sympathy and desire to act against terrorism has resulted in a much divided and threatened world due to our actions since 9/11. One thing is certain; the incident of 9/11 has altered the course of the history. The new system will hopefully give more importance to international bodies and international laws [Gasser, 2002] to resolve dispute and the threats posed by terrorism. Alternatively, the consequences could further divide the world and may even create wider conflict in the Middle East and even more problems for the world peace. Bibliography Borelli, S. Legal Black Hole, retrieved from Internet on 27 February 2007$File/irrc_857_Borelli.pdf Gasser, H., Acts of Terror, Terrorism and International law, ICRC, September 2002, Vol. 84, No 847,$File/irrc_847_Gasser.pdf [1] George W. Bush, Memorandum on ‘Humane treatment of Taliban and al-Qaeda detainees ’, 7 February 2002, available at [2] Secretary of Defense, News Briefing, 11 January 2002,available at [3] According to news reports, shortly after the attacks of 11 September the President of the United States signed a secret order authorizing the CIA to set up a network of secret detention and interrogation centers outside the United States where high value prisoners could be subjected to interrogation tactics, which would be prohibited under US law. The US government negotiated â€Å"status of forces †agreements with several foreign governments allowing the US to set up CIA-run interrogation facilities and granting immunity to US personnel and private contractors; Ref: J. Barry, M. Hirsh and M. Isiko. â€Å"The roots of torture †, Newsweek, 24 May 2004;

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Free Macbeth Essays: The Importance of Guilt :: Free Essay Writer

The Importance of Guilt in Macbeth Through the story guilt motivates Macbeth and Lady Macbeth to a great extent. Macbeth was a kind, fine nobleman of the king Duncan. But one day his benevolence and his patronage to the king changed. He had met the three witches who had revealed the three prophecies. The first prophecy was that Macbeth would become the thane of Cawdor. The second prophecy is that he will become the king in the future. The third was that Banquo’s sons will also become kings in the future (Banquo is a good friend of Macbeth). Macbeth took his future into his own hands. Lady Macbeth was the own who encouraged and persuaded Macbeth into the horrible circumstances. Guilt plays a role to the couple differently at certain occasions. Guilt encircles Macbeth the night he killed King Duncan. He came back to his wife with a horrified expression on his face. "This is a sorry sight"(Act2 scene2 line 20), he told her. . "A foolish thought, to say a sorry sight", Lady Macbeth was thunderstruck to his remark. She had no sense of guilt right then. He couldn’t believe what he had done, what he got himself into. The sons of the king, Malcolm and Donalbain, were in the next room. "There’s one did laugh in ‘s sleep, and one cried, "Murder!" That they did wake each other". I stood and heard them. But they did say their prayers, and addressed them Again to sleep. But wherefore could not I pronounce "Amen"? I had most need of blessing, and "Amen" Stuck in my throat." Macbeth had heard them say their prayers He was in fear. He was stunned and in shock that he had killed someone like King Duncan. Guilt surrounds Macbeth for the second time when he sends out the murderers to kill Banquo, his old friend. Macbeth had no other choice but to get rid of Banquo. Banquo had witnessed the three witches and the prophecies. One prophecy was that his son would become king one day "To make them kings, the seeds of Banquo kings"(Act3 scene1 line70). In order for Macbeth to be safe is to kill Banquo. Banquo may assume what had happened and tell the people of Scotland. "For Banquo’s issue have I filed my mind; for them the gracious Duncan have I murdered; Put rancors in the vessel of my peace only for them, and mine eternal jewel".

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Israeli and Palestinian War Essay

The current international community had been exposed to many different conflicts due to many different causes. However, one of the most important factors of the conflicts arising in the global community is cultural conflicts which different ethnicities have. One of the few ethnic groups that are having such conflict is the Israelis and the Palestinians. These two ethic groups has a long history of conflict together which until the present time, was still not resolved due to the over lapping issues that these groups have. Although there are many actions done in order to entirely put an end to the long and overlapping clash of both these ethnic groups, there are still a big gap between both conflicting parties. In order to understand both the parties involved in the conflict, it would be best to first have a historical background of both the parties involved. Therefore, a background of these two ethnicities should be fore mostly presented to provide a just research upon this topic. History of Israel and their culture: Israel is the very embodiment of Jewish continuity: It is the only nation on earth that inhabits the same land, bears the same name, speaks the same language, and worships the same God that it did 3,000 years ago. You dig the soil and you find pottery from Davidic times, coins from Bar Kokhba, and 2,000-year-old scrolls written in a script remarkably like the one that today advertises ice cream at the corner candy store. (Krauthammer, 1998, n. p. ) Israel had gone through many changes through time including different wars and challenges that had occurred to the state. Most of the books regarding the history of Israel discusses and mentions the book of the Bible as one of main sources for the description of the country’s heritage. As said in the book entitled â€Å"A History of Israel† written by John Bright (2000) and William Brown (2000), â€Å"The history of Israel is the history of a people which came into being at a certain point in time as a league of tribes united in covenant with Yahweh, which subsequently existed as a nation, then as two nations and finally as a religious community† (Bright and Brown, 2000, p. xvii). The authors continuously added that the important key points of the history of Israel are their religion and the subject cannot be separated from one another. The history of the state of Israel dates back in the thirteenth century in which the Hebrew patriarchs migrated from Mesopotamia to a new territory—Palestine. The migration acted as the beginning of Israel and its history. However, the history of Israel is much more depicted, as said by different books, in most parts of the Bible. The religious writing has all the accounts of the history and also the culture of Israel as well as those that are in the same region as they are. Not only is the history of this country was put into account but also the countless culture with me and women as well as the type of family that they have. Just merely basing the culture of Israel in the holy scripture of the bible a person may easily say that Israelis are conservative in nature for they are the people are the first and foremost people had experience the so called â€Å"life of Jesus here on earth. † Given such situation, there ethnic group bases their life style depending on the scriptures that they are being told by the prophets and the leaders of their religious group. As presented in many different books of the Bible, the group of religious leaders is the main influence of the king of the country. The religious leaders influence the king which then influences the society. Due to the religion based norms of the Israelites, they are mostly known to follow the strict rules of the Holy Scriptures. If any Israelite by-passes any rule that is not in the book of the bible, will be punished through the listed ways of available in the laws also made by the religious leaders. However, in many internet sites as well as books relating to the cultural background of the Israelites but still, the religious factor of Christianity could not be removed from their culture. It is one of the factors in which Israel is known as such, just like the statement left by the authors Bright and Brown in the top part of this paper. Israel had encountered different wars and different changes in the society such as the Arab-Israeli war in which have dated many years back which was one May 1948. There are other wars that followed which are: the Sinai War (1956), Six Day War (1967) and the Yom Kippur War (1973). Through all these wars, major different transform had happened to Israel which leads to the different beliefs that they have now. (***) Although they have gone through many different transformations within their society, currently it is said that the Modern Israel society is shifting towards the western culture. The different cultural material such as dance, poems, and literatures are now being thought as a modern interpretation of the Israeli culture. However, there are few authors who do think that the system of modernization of the Israeli culture somehow puts a dent on the collective norms of the society. In an article entitled â€Å"Westernization and the Decline of Collective Culture† it stated that: Israel, whose main dividing line is ethnica large part of the relevance of the word ‘west’ relates to Eastern Europe – the Ashkenazi ‘homeland’ – as the Western part of the line. The ‘West’ meant the beginnings of Zionism, the Eastern European center and, to a lesser extent, Western Europe, the center of Herzlian Zionism and daily Zionist politics. As the Yishuv assumed an identity that was defined against both the Arab East and the Jews who came from there, the Eastern European character of the society was utterly clear. It has already been mentioned that the early waves of Zionist Zionist Aliyah, dominated totally by the Eastern and East-Central European background of the Olim, defined their way of life as a revolt against that of Eastern European Jewry. Nevertheless, such an influence could not be dismissed so easily. (â€Å"Westernization and the Decline of Collective Culture† , n. p. ). There are different ethnic groups in Israel given that they have ancestors that came from Europe and Asia with different religions. Given all these, their whole society is diverse however the infiltration of new and modern ideas from the west stills a puzzle that is in need of a place in the Jewish community own society. History of Palestine and their culture: Palestine on the other hand is state wherein the Israel has a conflict. For many years now, the state had been in a very complicated condition because of its relationship with its neighboring country—Israel. In comparison with Israel, Palestine is mainly composed with Arab nationalities. Palestine is a country in conflict with the territorial boundaries with its neighbors however, it is the sate of Israel that it has the strongest conflict with. In recent years, Palestine had been in front of the international news due to its war is Israel where in the Gaza Strip is the main location for the war of both states. Much news about the war of both these countries had spread all over the world therefore, other countries with interest in both Israel and Palestine sprung up in the war which made it a much globalized issue. Palestine, just like Israel is a conservative nation however, Arabs have a different belief and a different religion in which they follow. Because of the unequal and hard to justify territorial conflict that both these countries have, there are Israelites in Palestine and vice versa. This situation makes it more complicated because the conflict is not only within the Gaza Strip but within the states. The conflict is not war between the said nations but the conflict of different citizens of diverse religion has conflict with each other. The situation becomes societal which would only cause a deeper conflict with other nationalities. Conformity: It is known that every one in the society wants to have acceptance of the society that an individual is in to. Every action always leads to being accepted in the society and being one of the individuals surrounding him or her. Although Israelis are the least part of the world to be transformed by the growing trend of being modernized, it seems that whenever there are eyes closely looking or investigating there must be changes in which every one must have. Given that we are in a changing and shifting world, everyone is expected to follow. But if the culture of Israel is seen, the years of conservatism and their historic influences a big hindrance for making the big step of development in the eyes of the western countries. The complication and whether being with the trend of the world or conserving the past is still confusion for most of the Israelis. Although there is uncertainty if the society needs to follow the global trend or not, there is a great possibility that without noticing and being too occupied with the issues the state currently have, the society could slowly shift away form those issues and focus more into something that they could enjoy or are very new to them. One of the new things that they could enjoy is he western culture which promotes freedom and indulgence of the things in life. On the other hand, Palestine is a state in which there everyone must conform in the society. Given that there are people living in Palestine who are Jews, there is a great possibility that conflict will arise. The Jews within the Palestinian territory is in need of the conforming in the society they are living in or just rebel against it and sacrifice themselves. Being dissimilar in terms of religion while living in space with an individual with another religion may raise conflict. Religion does not only create a clash in terms of their different holy scriptures and other materials but also a conflict within the society they are in. there would be debates in which they would present the great and the not so great religion. However, the conflict would not be addressed in such way therefore, actions much be done to create a stop in the conflicting parties involved in this situation. Social Perception and Social Cognition: Both Israel and Palestine exercises social perception and social cognition through the actions that these states and each of their culture have. However, their culture always leads to the concept of being accepted by the society given that they have very different religious beliefs. But between the two of these ethnic groups, the Palestinians are demanding more recognition and acceptance in the global community given that they are still a new state which had been separated from Israel, and their neighboring countries. Palestine seeks to have and create actions that would mediate their call for acceptance (â€Å"International Recognition of the State of Palestine, n. p. †) even if there are group of individuals that would be greatly affected with the situation. Provided that fact that one of the most important aspects of being a new state is to be accepted by all other states in the world in order to act and participate in the activities within the global community. It is a serious matter of the Palestinian people and the government to attract the attention of the global community through the wars and all other battles that they have. Israel on the other hand is more leading to the concept of social perception due to the actions those individuals chooses to have in their lives. The dilemma of being within the trend of the international community such as having western shows and western influences are now a concept of problem that the Israeli society has. The fear of wholly losing their history and the beliefs that their ancestors had given them one of the greatest concepts that every conservatives fear. However, the new society or some individuals does not see the history and Israeli culture as a hindrance to their society. Thus, the historical factors as well as the cultural aspects are strong compared to other societies therefore, Israelis should not fear the changing world, and thus they should try and be open to new possibilities such as the western culture. In conclusion, the conflicts of the two of these ethnic groups are thus a problem of not meeting of the same interests, history and religion. Given all these differences, their priorities are varying which makes it hard for these ethnic group to realize that they should create a middle ground or something that they have together in order to fully create a stop to the conflict that they have. References Bright, J. & Brown W. , (2000) A History of Israel. Kentucky: John Knox Press. Krauthammer, C. (11 May 1998). â€Å"Israel Celebrates their 60 years of Independence. †Weekly Standard Retrieved 8 August 2008 from http://www. science. co. il/Israel-history. asp. â€Å"Westernization and the Decline of Collective Culture.† n. d. Department of Jewish Zionist Education. Retrieved 10 Aug 2008 from http://www. jafi. org. il/education/culture/onisraeli/14-west. html. â€Å"Country Fact Sheets from the CLP. † n. d. Common Language Project. Retrieved 10 Aug 2008 from http://clpmag. org/content/pages/factsheets/palestine. php. â€Å"International Recognition of the State of Palestine. † Palestinian National Authority. Retrieved 10 August 2008 from http://web. archive. org/web/20060404211437/http://www. pna. gov. ps/Government/gov/recognition_of_the_State_of_Palestine. asp.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

The Trial Can Be A Confusing And Frustrating Task - 960 Words

Reading The Trial can be a confusing and frustrating task but that is because it is supposed to be. Stories usually start out with an introduction and it slowly introduces you to characters, setting, and then the conflict. This was what was expected in the very beginning of opening Kafka because of the unawareness of how unconventional and thought provoking this author proved to be. This is an author that takes what you know from the world and twists it into dark dreams that emphasize truths behind our reality. He brings out what it is that we are too afraid to confront or to question. He brings into existence the thoughts that bring fear and anxiety into many lives. From the very beginning, we are thrown into a world of confusion with no explanations and we are left to question everything. Strange people including police declare K.’s arrest while he is in bed. However, they cannot tell K. what he is being arrested for. They cannot tell him who asked for his arrest or who orde red and processed it. All they can say is that he is under investigation. Of course, K. like anybody, thought it was a prank and laughed it off in the beginning, but soon after realized how serious his case was. While trying to get answers to all his questions, he was buried under more absurdities and complex meaningless dead ends. He could not find a logical way out and the search for answers consumed his life. In the end, we are even more baffled when K. gets killed for choosing to step away from theShow MoreRelatedThe Reason For The Existence Of Evil1181 Words   |  5 Pagesmajor perspectives: the Judaic/Christian family, Augustine’s free will theory, â€Å"soul-making theodicy,† and eschatological perspective. All of these theories have valid points and flaws in their writing. I hope to compare and contrast them, so that I can better undertand. First, there is the perspective of Judaism and Christianity. 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